Carmella Commands
talked dago and my dad had you for a foreman. He needs a good guy like you.”
Never before had a pupil so talked to the principal. Never before had he felt so nearly beyond his depth in the presence of a fourteen-year-old. But he went on:
“Perhaps it’s better for me to be helping you learn to help dad. You can’t do that unless you learn all about⸺”
“Africa?” Carmella grinned mischievously.
“You’ll be glad some day to know about Africa, too. But in order to learn, you must let those who know more than you do guide you. Don’t you let your father tell you about the contracting business?”
“All he will,” admitted the girl.
“Then let Miss Silva help you all she will. That means obeying her. Now will you go back and tell her you’re sorry you behaved badly, and then go on learning to help dad?”
“Are you sure it will help dad to have me lie to Miss Silva?”
“It won’t be a lie, because you want to learn to help.”
“Miss Silva is a nut,” declared Carmella stoutly.
“She is a good teacher if you’ll let her teach you.” Carmella gazed squarely into his eyes until he almost blinked. Suddenly she turned and left the office without a word.
Mr. Carroll sat down and wiped his forehead. The principal who had the hardest school in the city to