iuseppe and the younger children had been asleep when Carmella lost command. But they quickly noticed that something was changed.
After noting that for several evenings his mother had left the supper dishes entirely to Carmella, Giuseppe delayed his school work to watch her.
“Want any help, kid?” he finally volunteered.
Carmella did not answer.
“Say, kid,” he went on, “how come you’re doing this every night?”
“None of your business!” she snapped.
Joe grinned. He was striking fire sooner than he expected.
“Say,” he asked, “where’d mother learn American so quick?”
“Ask her.”
“Well, I don’t get it. But you’re afraid of her all of a sudden.”
Presently he touched her elbow as she passed, so that she dropped a cup. For answer, she swept a swift hand against her brother’s face. The battle was begun.