Page:Carpenter's geographical reader; Asia (IA cu31924021472034).pdf/22

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as straight as an arrow and Japanese girls with yellow babies tied to their backs. There would be yellow-skinned, slant-eyed men from Siam with their hair standing out over their heads like the bristles of a shoe brush, and light brown men from Burma with their hair done up on the tops of their heads.

There would be hundreds of millions of dark-faced people from India with features like ours; and here and there, moving in and out through the crowd, yellow-skinned Koreans in gorgeous gowns which fall from their necks to their feet. There would be many men wearing turbans and gowns, and some dressed only in sheets. There would be silk-clad maidens from Burma with plugs in their ears as big around as your thumb, and dark-faced Hindu women wearing white cotton, and with rings on their fingers and bells on their toes. There would be sober-faced Persians of a sallow complexion, Arabian Bedouins as black as a negro, and fur-clad Siberians with copper-hued faces. There would also be Syrians, Armenians, and Turks, each in his own costume, but having many things in common with the rest of the crowd.

If we should continue to watch these people from Asia, we might observe that they do but few things as we do. Most of them sit on their heels instead of on chairs, and millions of them use wooden pillows and sleep on the floor. The majority of the men dress in gowns of one kind or other, and many of the women go about with veiled faces. We should find that their religions and ideas are different from ours. Millions of these people worship the prophet Mohammed; others take the laws of life as laid down by Confucius; while many follow the teachings of Buddha, a prophet who lived more than five hundred years before Christ.