Page:Carroll - Sylvie and Bruno Concluded.djvu/103

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in fear, seemingly, that the 'crahmp' might attack it again.

Bruno ran back, with his booty, to the orchard wall, and pitched the apples over it one by one. "I's welly afraid some of them's gone under the wrong trees!" he panted, on overtaking us again.

"The wrong trees!" laughed Sylvie. "Trees ca'n't do wrong! There's no such things as wrong trees!"

"Then there's no such things as right trees, neither!" cried Bruno. And Sylvie gave up the point.

"Wait a minute, please!" she said to me. "I must make Nero visible, you know!"

"No, please don't'!" cried Bruno, who had by this time mounted on the Royal back, and was twisting the Royal hair into a bridle. "It'll be such fun to have him like this!"

"Well, it does look funny," Sylvie admitted, and led the way to the farm-house, where the farmer's wife stood, evidently much perplexed at the weird procession now approaching her. "It's summat gone wrong wi' my spectacles, I doubt!" she murmured, as she took them
