Page:Carroll - Sylvie and Bruno Concluded.djvu/175

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form a more correct estimate of the other's character, in four weeks, than would have been possible in as many years, when meeting under the ordinary restrictions of Society. And it is only after their return that finally decides whether he will, or will not, put the momentous question to !"

"In nine cases out of ten," the pompous man proclaimed, "he would decide to break it off!"

"Then, in nine cases out of ten," Arthur rejoined, "an unsuitable match would be prevented, and both parties saved from misery!"

"The only really unsuitable matches," the old lady remarked, "are those made without sufficient Money. Love may come afterwards. Money is needed to begin with!"

This remark was cast loose upon Society, as a sort of general challenge; and, as such, it was at once accepted by several of those within hearing: Money became the key-note of the conversation for some time; and a fitful echo of it was again heard, when the dessert had been placed upon the table, the servants had left the room, and the Earl had started the wine in its welcome progress round the table.