Page:Carroll - Sylvie and Bruno Concluded.djvu/206

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"——a shower of rain?" said Bruno.

"Well, it looked more like the tail of a dog," Mein Herr replied. "It was the most curious thing! Something rubbed affectionately against my knee. And I looked down. And I could see nothing! Only, about a yard off, there was a dog's tail, wagging, all by itself!"

"Oh, Sylvie!" Bruno murmured reproachfully. "Oo didn't finish making him visible!"

"I'm so sorry!" Sylvie said, looking very penitent. "I meant to rub it along his back, but we were in such a hurry. We'll go and finish him tomorrow. Poor thing! Perhaps he'll get no supper tonight!"

"Course he won't!" said Bruno. "Nobody never gives bones to a dog's tail!"

Mein Herr looked from one to the other in blank astonishment. "I do not understand you," he said. "I had lost my way, and I was consulting a pocket-map, and somehow I had dropped one of my gloves, and this invisible Something, that had rubbed against my knee, actually brought it back to me!"

"Course he did!" said Bruno. "He's welly fond of fetching things."