a delicious musical little laugh, and laid her soft cheek on the top of her brother's curly head, as if it were a pillow, while she went on with the story. "So this Boy "
"But it wasn't me, oo know!" Bruno interrupted. "And oo needn't try to look as if it was, Mister Sir!"
I represented, respectfully, that I was trying to look as if it wasn't.
he was a middling good Boy ""He were a welly good Boy!" Bruno corrected her. "And he never did nothing he wasn't told to do
""That doesn't make a good Boy!" Sylvie said contemptuously.
"That do make a good Boy!" Bruno insisted.
Sylvie gave up the point. "Well, he was a very good Boy, and he always kept his promises, and he had a big cupboard
for to keep all his promises in!" cried Bruno."If he kept all his promises," Sylvie said, with a mischievous look in her eyes, "he wasn't like some Boys I know of!"