his hands in silence on the heads of the two little ones who clung around him.
But he recovered himself in a moment, and beckoned to the Emperor to resume his place at the table. The company seated themselves again
room being found for the Elfin-King between his two children and the Lord Chancellor rose once more, to propose the next toast."The next toast
the hero of the day why, he isn't here!" he broke off in wild confusion.Good gracious! Everybody had forgotten Prince Uggug!
"He was told of the Banquet, of course?" said the Emperor.
"Undoubtedly!" replied the Chancellor. "That would be the duty of the Gold Stick in Waiting."
"Let the Gold Stick come forwards!" the Emperor gravely said.
The Gold Stick came forwards. "I attended on His Imperial Fatness," was the statement made by the trembling official. "I told him of the Lecture and the Banquet