Brain, inverted position of; 243
Bread-sauce appropriate for Weltering; 58
Breaking promises. Why is it wrong? 27
Bruno's Song: 215
Burden of Proof misplaced by Crocodiles; 230
„„„Ladies; 235
„„„Watts, Dr.; do.
'Care' and 'Don't-Care,' history of;
Carrying one's self. Why is it not fatiguing? 169
Charity-Bazaars ; 44
„fallacies as to; 43
„Pseudo- ; 42
Child's Bible; xiii
„Sunday, in last generation; 387
„view of Adult Life; 11. 260
„„Present Life; 330
Choral Services, effect of; 273. xix
Choristers life, dangers of; 274. xix
Church-going, true principle of: 272
Competition for Scholars; 187
Competitive Examination; 184
Conceited Critic always depreciates; 237
Content, opportunity for cultivating; 152
'Convenient' and 'Inconvenient,' difference in meaning; 140
Conversation at Dinner-parties, how to promote: (see "Dinner-parties")
Cotton-wool lighter than air, how to obtain; 166
Critic, conceited, always depreciates; 237
„how to gain character of; 238
Crocodiles, Logic of; . 230
Croquet. Why is it demoralising? 135
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