Moving-Guests; 145
„Pictures; 143
Music, how to get largest amount of in given time; 338
„Why is it sometimes not pleasing? 156
'Nero' the Dog-King; 175. 58
Nerve-Force and Free-Will; 390
Nerves, slow action of; 158
Novel-reading, how to enjoy; 336
'Obstruction,' Political, in common life; 203
'Onus probandi' misplaced by Crocodiles; 230
„„Ladies; 235
„„Dr. Watts; do.
'Opposition,' Political, in common life; 200
Pain, how to minimise; 337
Paley's definition of Virtue; 273
Parentheses in Conversation, hov; to indicate; 251
Passages, Selected, for learning by heart; xv
Payment of Debts, how to avoid; 131
'Peter and Paul' (Poem); 143
Philosophy, Moral. What kind is most esteemed? 181
Phlizz, a visionary flower; 282
„„fruit; 75
„„nurse-maid; 283
Pictures, how to criticize; 238
„Moving; 143
'Pig Tale' (Poem); 138; 366, 372
Planets, small; 170
Playing for money, a moral act; 135
Pleasure, how to maximise; 335
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