Shakespeare, passages of, discussed;—
'Is this a dagger that I see before me?'; 371.
'Rest, rest, perturbed Spirit!'; 60
'To be, or not to be'; 370
„Selections from, for Girls; xv
„treatment of Ghosts by; 60
Shyness, how to indicate in Letter-writing; 115
'Sillygism,' requisites for; 259
Sinfulness, amount of, in World; 125
„of an act differs with environment; 123
Sobriety, extreme, inconvenience of; 140
Spencer, Herbert, difficulties in; 258
Spherical, advantage of being; 190.
Sport, Morality of; xx, 318. xviii.
Steam, influence of, on Literature; 64
Sufferings of Animals, mystery of 296
Sunday, as spent by children of last generation; 387
„observance of; 385
Sylvie and Bruno's Song; 305
Teetotal-Card; 139
Theatres, Fires in, how to prevent; 165
'Three Badgers' (Poem); 247
Time, how to put back; 314, 347
„„reverse; 350
„storage of; 105
'Tottles' (Poem); 194, 201, 209, 248
Tourists' Portable Bath; 25
Trains running without engines; 106
Velocity, Accelerated, causes of; 190
Virtue, Paley's definition of; 274
Voyages on Land; 109
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