"So he went away," Bruno added as a kind of postscript, when the last note of the song had died away. "Just like he always did."
"Oh, my dear Bruno!" Sylvie exclaimed, with her hands over her ears. "You shouldn't say 'like': you should say 'what'"
To which Bruno replied, doggedly, "I only says 'what!' when oo doosn't speak loud, so as I can hear oo."
"Where did he go to?" I asked, hoping to prevent an argument.
"He went more far than he'd never been before," said Bruno.
"You should never say 'more far,'" Sylvie corrected him: "you should say 'farther'"
"Then oo shouldn't say 'more broth,' when we're at dinner," Bruno retorted: "oo should say 'brother'!"
This time Sylvie evaded an argument by turning away, and beginning to roll up the Map. "Lessons are over!" she proclaimed in her sweetest tones.
"And has there been no crying over them?" I enquired. "Little boys always cry over their lessons, don't they?"