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Page:Carroll - Tangled Tale.djvu/97

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Answers to Knot I.

that the question leads to an indeterminate equation. E. W. brings a charge of untruthfulness against the aged knight—a serious charge, for he was the very pink of chivalry! She says "According to the data given, the time at the summit affords no clue to the total distance. It does not enable us to state precisely to an inch how much level and how much hill there was on the road." "Fair damsel," the aged knight replies,"—if, as I surmise, thy initials denote Early Womanhood—bethink thee that the word 'enable' is thine, not mine. I did but ask the time of reaching the hill-top as my condition for further parley. If now thou wilt not grant that I am a truth-loving man, then will I affirm that those same initials denote Envenomed Wickedness!"


A Marlborough Boy. Putney Walker.
Blithe. Rose.
E. W. Sea Breeze.
L. B. Simple Susan.
O. V. L. Money-Spinner.