Mr. George Augustus Sala was born in London about the year 1826. He is the son of a Portuguese gentleman, who married an English lady. Having adopted literature as his profession, Mr. Sala became a writer in 'Household Words,' which was edited by the late Charles Dickens. He also contributed to the 'Illustrated London News,' 'Cornhill Magazine,' and other papers and periodicals, until, in 1863, he went out to the United States as special correspondent for the 'Daily Telegraph.' On his return, he published his observations under the title of 'My Diary in America in the Midst of War.'
He also wrote a series of very graphic letters for the 'Daily Telegraph' from Algeria, during the Emperor's visit to that colony.
The following is a list of Mr. Sala's best-known works: 'A Journey due North: a Residence in Russia,' 1856; 'How I tamed Mrs. Cruiser,' 1858; 'Twice Round the Clock,' 1859; 'Gaslight and Daylight,' 1859; 'The Baddington Peerage,' 1860; 'Lady Chesterfield's Letters to her Daughter,' 1860; 'William Hogarth,' 1860; 'Looking at Life,' 1860; 'Make your Game,' 1860; 'Dutch Pictures,' 1861; 'Accepted Addresses,' 1862; 'Breakfast in Bed,' 1863; 'After Breakfast;' 'The Perfidy of Captain Slyboots,' 1863; 'Quite Alone' (finished by another writer), 1864; 'Robson: a Sketch,' 1864; 'Seven Sons of Mammon,' 1864; 'My Diary in America in the Midst of War,' 1865; 'From Waterloo to the Peninsula,' 1866; 'A Trip to Barbary by a Roundabout Route,' 1866; 'The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous,' 1869; 'The Two Prima Donnas,' 1869; 'Rome and Venice,' 1869.
'Gaslight and Daylight' is composed of short papers of very great humour and merit. 'Papers Humorous and Pathetic' contains 'The Key of the Street,' 'Colonel Quagg's Conversion,' and other sketches, arranged by the author in a form suitable for public reading. Better papers for plat-