Page:Cary's New Itinerary (1819).djvu/181

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List of Inns from which Stage Coaches Depart.

537. BRIGHTON (the Dart), thro' Ryegate, Crawley, and Hixted. Dai. ¼ bef. 3 aft. Ar. in 6 hours.

538. BRIGHTON (the Comet). Dai. ¼ before 10 morn. Ar. 5 aft. Dep 10 morn. Ar, 5 aft.

539. BURY ST. EDMUND'S, thro' ' Braintree, Bocking, Halstead, and Sudbury (Itin. 535, to Chelmsford; 543-4, to Bury): Daily, ¼ before 6 morn. Ar. Moon, 3 aft. Dep. 12 noon. Ar, 9 even.

540. CANTERBURY: (Itin. 3, 4). Dai. 8 morn, and 6. even. Ar. Rose, Canterbury, in 8 hours.—Extra carriages for families or parties.

541. CHELMSFORD, thro' Brentwood (Itin. 535). Dai. ½ past 7 morn. Ar. Ship; Chelmsford, 12 at noon, Dep. 3 aft. Ar. 7 even.

542. CHELMSFORD (Post Coach) (Itin. as above). Daily, ½ p. 2 aft Ar. Ship, Chelmsford, ½ p.6 even. Dep. 7 morn. Ar. 11 morn.

543. COLCHESTER, thro' Chelmsford and Kelvedon (Itin. 535, 536). Dai. 9 morn. Ar. White Hart and Three Cups Inn, Colchester, in about 6 hours. Dep. 8 morn. Ar. 3p. 4 aft.

544. COLCHESTER (the Eclipse), (Itin. 535-6). Dai. 2 aft, Sun. excepted. Ar. Three Cups Inn, Colchester, 8 even: Dep. 8 morn, Ar. 2. aft.

545. CROYDON, Dai. (Sun. excepted), ½ p. 5 aft.

546. DORKING, thro' Epsom and Leatherhead (Itin. 39, to Lower Tooting; 43, to Dorking). Dai. ½ p. 3 aft. (Sund. excepted). Ar. at Dorking 8 even. Dep. 7 morn. Ar. 12 noon.

547. DOVER. (Itin. 3 to 7). Dai. 8 morn. and ½ p. 7 even. Ar. London Hotel, Dover, 8 morn. and 6 even. Dep. 7 morn. and 5 even. Ar. 7 morn. and 9 even.

548. FAVERSHAM (Itin. 3 and 4, to Ospringe; 9, to Faversham), Dai. 12 noon, Ar. at the Ship, 7 even. Dep. 8 morn. Ar. ½ p. 4 aft.

549. GODALMING and GUILDFORD (Post Coach), (Itin. 27). Daily, 8 morn. and 7 even. Ar, George, Godalming, in 5 hours, Dep. 2 aft. and 2 morn. Ar. in 5 hours.

550. GOTTENBURGH and HOLLAND (Foreign Mail). Wed. Sat ¼ Bef. 1 morn.

551. HADLEIGH, STOKE, and NEYLAND. Daily, 9 morn.

552. HARWICH and COLCHESTER (Mail), (Itin. 535, 536, to Colchester; 545, 546, to Harwich). Every even, 7. Ar. Three Cups, Harwich, 7 morn. Dep. 7 even. Ar. 7 morn.

553. HARWICH and COLCHESTER. Every morning at 9.

554. HARWICH (Night Coach), through Colchester, Mistley, and Manningtree. Tue. Fri. 7 even.

555. HULL, BARTON, and LINCOLN (Post Coach), (Itin. 443, 444, to Hoddesdon; 479, to Hertford; 715, to Welwyn; 343, 344, to Temesord; 366, to Buckden; 344, to Alconbury; 487-8, By to Hull). Daily, ¼ before 6 even. Ar. at Barton Water Side House in 28 hours. Dep. 6 even. Ar. in 28 hours.

556. IPSWICH and COLCHESTER (Blue Coach), (Itin. 535 to 539, to Ipswich). Every mom. 7 and 8. Ar. in 9 hours. Returns the same time.

557. IPSWICH (Night Coach), Every even. 7. Ar. 5 morn. Dep. 8 even. Ar. 6 morn.

558. LEWES, thro' East Grinsted and Uckfield (Itin. 35, 36). Dai, ¼ bef. 9 morn. Ar. in 8 hours. Dep. 9 morn. Ar. in 8 hours.

559. MALDON, thro' Chelmsford (Itin. 535, to Chelmsford; 558, to Maldon). Dai. ½ p., 2 aft (Sunday excepted), Ar, at Maldon, 7 even: Dep. 6 morn. Ar. ½ p. 11 morn.