NEW GLOBES, CELESTIAL AND TERRESTRIAL, ARE MADE BY J. CARY, 181, STRAND, LONDON, of the following Sizes: 21 Inch, 18 Inch, 15 Inch, 12 Inch, 9 Inch, and 3Inch Diameter, at the Prices affixed to each Pattern. (Also in great Forwardness, and speedily will be ready, a Pair of Globes, 6 Inches Diameter.) 28 No. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. egnato bas eli szit pobre 28 29 Roof 21 Inch, Black Frames, jil. 11s. 18 Inch, 91. 15 Inch, 61. 16s. 6d. 01.12 Inch, 31. 18s.6d. 9 Inch, 31. 3s. No. 4. 21 Inch, Mahogany, 21 Inch, Mahogany, 151. 15s. 151. 15s. 18 Inch, 131. 135. 18 Inch, 131. 13s. 15 Inch, 101. 10s. 15 Inch, 101. 10s. 12 Inch, 51. 15s. 12 Inch, 61. 9 Inch, 41. 125. 12Inch,Chair high, 61.11s. No. 5. No. 6. JE k 21 Inch, Mahogany, 21 In. Mah. reeded Pattern, 21 In. Satin Wood, very eleg. 191. 198. very eleg. 191. 19s. very eleg. 19). 196. 18 Inch, 171. 8s. 18 Inch, 171. 8s. 18 Inch, 171. 8. 15 Inch, 121. 125. 15 Inch, 121. 125. sa 15 Inch, 121, 125. The small Size, 8 Inch, in ShagreenCases, 11.88, Mounted on Stands, 21. 25. The above Globes may be had without the Figures of the Constel- lations. The Price of the 21 Inch will be il. ls.; the 18 Inch, 12s.; the 15 Inch, 6s.; the 12 Inch, 5s. less than the above-mentioned Prices. The Proprietor, grateful for the extensive Patronage with which the Public has honoured his Globes, begs to observe, that he has, at a very con- siderable Expense, materially corrected the whole of the Plates, and has availed himself of the Voyages and Travels of CooK, VANCOUVER, DE LA PEROUSE, PARK, CLARK and LEWIS, HUMBOLDT, FLINDERS, ELPHIN- STONE, and the Discoveries of Capt. Ross towards the North Pole, which have enabled him to make many very important additions and alterations: the utmost pains have been taken to render his Globes both exact and ele- gant, and he flatters himself that they exhibit every improvement to the present tiine. mo cleshores A TREATISE ON THE USE OF THE GLOBES, Extracted from the Lectures of the late Mr. FERGUSON, F.R.S. Price 2s.6d. 8
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