- and may, without fee or reward, inspect, copy or make extracts from such book or document; or
- (c) require, by order in writing, the attendance before the inspector or authorised person of any person within the limits of Singapore who, from any information given or otherwise obtained by the officer or employee, appears to be acquainted with the circumstances of the case.
(2) Any person who—
- (a) wilfully mis-states or without lawful excuse refuses to give any information or produce any book, document or copy thereof required of him by an inspector or authorised person under subsection (1); or
- (b) fails to comply with a lawful demand of an inspector or authorised person in the discharge by such inspector or authorised person of his duties under this Act or any other written law,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both.
Powers of arrest
182.—(1) Any inspector or authorised person may arrest without warrant any person whom he reasonably believes has committed a seizable offence under this Act.
(2) Any inspector or authorised person who is not a police officer may exercise all or any of the powers in relation to investigations into a seizable offence conferred on a police officer by the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 68) in any case relating to the commission of a seizable offence under this Act or in any case where a seizable offence is disclosed under any written law in the course of an investigation under this Act.
(3) For the purposes of this section, offences punishable with imprisonment for 3 years or upwards and an offence under section 179 shall be deemed to be seizable offences within the meaning of the Criminal Procedure Code.