Page:Cassell's Illustrated History of England vol 1.djvu/642

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  • Pembroke. William, Earl of, 268–270
  • Richard de Clare, Earl of, surnamed Strongbow (1167-1171), 194–195
  • Percy, Henry, surnamed Hotspur (1402–1403), 494, 498–500
  • Peter the Hermit, a preacher of the First Crusade (1096-1100), 118–122
  • Peter's Pence, tax of, 29
  • Philip II., King of France (1180-1216), 202, 213, 219-221, 225, 236–239, 241, 242, 248, 250-252, 255
  • —— III., King of France, surnamed Le Bel (1290-1303), 315, 316, 326, 227
  • —— VI., King of France (1328–1348), 370–389
  • —— the Good, Duke of Burgundy (1418–1467), 550-552, 555, 557–568 168, 614, 016
  • Philippa, Queen of Edward III. (1327–1347), 362, 384, 386–387
  • Phillpot, John, an alderman of London, gained a victory over a Spanish fleet (1378), 410
  • Picts, or Caledonians, 2, 15, 16
  • Plague, ravages of, in the reign of Edward III., 388–389
  • —— ravages of, in the reign of Henry IV., 506
  • Poictiers, battle of (1356), 392–393
  • Pole, Michael de la. Chancellor of Richard II. (1385-1387), 422–425
  • Progress of the Nation.—Formation of the English people, 444–481
  • —— The constitution and the laws, 448
  • —— Power of the Church, 453
  • —— Literature, science, and art, 457
  • —— Architecture, 465
  • —— Sculpture and painting, 468, 470
  • —— Music, 470–471
  • —— Commerce, coinage, and shipping, 472–474
  • —— Manners and customs, &c., 472, 474–481
  • Pudsey, Hugh, Bishop of Durham, 213, 232
  • Ralph, surnamed De Flambard (1089), 110, 113
  • Rees ap Griffith, King of South Wales (1164), 188
  • Richard I., surnamed Cœur-de-Lion (1189–1199), 195, 197, 200-203, 205, 206, 210–243
  • —— II. (1377–1398), 404–444
  • Robert of Normandy, eldest son of William I. (1077–1135), 102-113, 116, 122, 124, 129–134, 148–156
  • —— II., King of Scotland, grandson of Robert Bruce (1371–1390), 394
  • —— II., King of Scotland (1390–1406), 489, 490, 492, 501
  • Robin Hood and the outlaws of Sherwood (1195), 238
  • Roger, Bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of Henry I. (1135-1139), 152, 166–167
  • Roman architecture, 17–23
  • Romans, narrative of their occupation of Britain, 5–18
  • Rothsay, David, eldest son of Robert III. of Scotland, 492, 494
  • Rosamond Clifford, her history, 206
  • Roses, origin of the Wars of the, 598
  • Rouen, siege of (1418–1419), 543–545, 548
  • Rutland, Earl of, slain by Lord Clifford (1460), 608
  • Saladin, Sultan, his wars with the Crusaders (1190–1192), 220–227
  • Salisbury, William Longsword, Earl of (1213), 254
  • Richard Nevil, Earl of (1453–1460), 599, 602–604, 608
  • Saxon Heptarchy, 27
  • —— architecture, 70-73
  • —— manners, customs, and laws of, 73–81
  • —— Chronicle, quoted, 106–107
  • —— and Norman civilisation, customs, progress of literature and art, &c., 134–148
  • Saxons, landing of in Britain (449), 23
  • Sawtre, William, the first English martyr burnt (1401), 514
  • Scotus, Duns, a moral philosopher, 461
  • Scotus, Johannes, preceptor of Alfred, 50
  • Scots, origin of, 18
  • Scotland, condition of (in 1338), 368–369
  • Shrewsbury, battle of (1403), 500
  • Shrewsbury, Sir John Talbot, Earl of (1452–1453), 592, 593
  • Sigismund, King of the Romans (1416), 537, 538
  • Silures, the; Caractacus their leader (43–50), 9, 10
  • Siward, Duke of Northumberland (1050–1055), 63–64.
  • Society, review of, in the middle ages, 265–267
  • Sluys, battle of (1340), 374
  • Somerset, Edmund de Beaufort, Earl of (1439–1454), 586, 587, 591–596, 598-602
  • —— Henry de Beaufort, Duke of (1454–1464), 603–605, 607, 608, 610, 614
  • Standard, battle of the (Northallerton), (1138), 166
  • Stephen, grandson of William I. (1135–1154), 161–176
  • Stigand, Primate of England (1066), 89, 95, 96
  • Stirling, battle of (1297), 322
  • Stonehenge, ancient Druidical temple, 4
  • Suetonius, Paulinus, the Roman governor (59–61), 11–14
  • Suffolk, Michael de la Pole, Earl of, favourite of Richard II., 419, 422–425
  • William de la Pole, first Duke of (1428-1450), 574, 578, 579, 588–596
  • Surrey, John Plantagenet, Earl of (Earl Warrenne), (1264–1290),290, 292, 315, 318, 320
  • Sweyn, son of Earl Godwin (1032), 59, 63
  • —— King of Denmark (991–1012), 51–54
  • Sybilla, wife of Robert of Normandy (1100), 149
  • Talbot, Sir John, Earl of Shrewsbury (1452–1453), 592, 593
  • Tancred, grandson of the great Ruggiero, King of Sicily (1189–1190), 128–130, 214–215
  • Templars, Knights, account of, 132
  • Tenchebray, battle of (1105), 155–156
  • Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury (1143–1161), 172–173, 183–184
  • Tin and lead brought from the Cassiterides, 2
  • Torture practised by the Normans in the reign of Stephen, 171
  • —— of the Jew of Bristol by King John (1211), 251
  • Tortures practised by the soldiers of King John (1215), 261
  • Tostig, brother of Harold II. (1043–1066), 64, 67–68, 83
  • Toumelles, assault of the, by Joan of Arc (1429), 578
  • Towton, battle of (1461), 611
  • Tracy, William, one of the murderers of Becket (1170), 189
  • Trade. See Commerce.
  • Tudela, Benjamin de, account of Constantinople (in 1159 or 1160), 125–127
  • Tudor, Owen, husband of Queen Catherine, widow of Henry V. (1437–1461), 586, 609
  • Tyler, Wat or Walter, the (1381), 412–417
  • Tyrrell, Sir Walter, shot William Rufus (1100), 134
  • Urban II., Pope (1095–1098), 118–119
  • Ursini, Cardinal, and Legate of the Pope (1418), 545
  • Vespasian, a Roman general (43), 9, 14–15
  • Vortigern, the British king (447–449), 23
  • Walcher, Bishop of Diu-ham (1080), 101
  • Wallace, William, the Scottish hero (1297–1305), 320–323, 328–329
  • Walter, "the Penniless," a preacher of the First Crusade, 119
  • Walthuf, Earl of Huntingdon (1074), 100
  • Warrenne, Earl, See Surrey.
  • Warwick, Richard Nevil, the great Earl (1453–1470), 599–624
  • Wessex, Saxon kings of, 26
  • William I., the Conqueror (1066–1087), 65, 81–107
  • —— II., Rufus (1087–1100), 107–116, 132–134
  • —— of Normandy, son of Duke Robert (1110–1128), 157–161
  • —— Prince, son of Henry I., lost in the Blanche Nef (1120), 160
  • —— II., surnamed the Good, King of Sicily (1180–1189), 214–216
  • —— I., King of Scotland, surnamed the Lion (1165–1214), 309–310
  • Witenagemot, or Saxon Council of State, 76
  • Wycliffe, John, the Reformer, (1324–1384), 404, 411, 420, 586, 590, 594–608
  • York, Richard Plantagenet, Duke of (1436–1461), 697–605