Page:Castaway on the Auckland Isles (IA castawayonauckla01musg).pdf/56

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A New Plant Discovered.

the danger of falling from top to bottom. On our return we found a plant, which we have not seen anywhere else on this island; but there is plenty of it on Campbell's Island. We brought some of it down and cooked it, and found it very good to eat, and particularly good to put in the soup, which is very purging; and we find that this vegetable has a contrary effect. Everything here is evergreen, even the grass. Some of the trees have blossoms now, and there are small red berries which are at present ripe; they are very good, and the birds are very fond of them. I am reserving some of the seed; I have no doubt but with cultivation they may be made a very nice fruit.

On Thursday morning we went down the harbour in the boat, and at the break of day we landed and killed a seal, the only one we saw on shore, although there were plenty in the water. At low water we got a load of mussels, and then went to select a place for keeping a look-out for a vessel, when we begin to expect one. And now that the shortest days are past, I began to look forward with hope towards the time when we may expect one. Last night we heard one of the dogs barking close to the house. During the whole of the week, and up to four o'clock this afternoon, the weather has been very mild—calm in the night time, and very light northerly N.W. airs in the day; but the weather generally dark, and gloomy, and foggy, with the barometer about 30⋅0, and thermometer 44° at noon. At 4 p.m. to-day a breeze sprang up from the westward, and is now blowing a strong breeze, and squally, with frequent showers. Barometer 29⋅20; thermometer, 30°.

Sunday, July 3, 1864.—Blowing a strong gale at W.N.W.; barometer steadily rising from 29⋅50, where it stood when the gale commenced; but before the gale commenced it had been down to 29⋅25. 8 p.m.: Barometer standing at 29⋅96; gale continuing to blow steadily. Midnight: Barometer perceptibly falling; weather showery and foggy. It has been stormy during the whole of the past week. On Tuesday and Wednesday a consider-