Page:Castelvines y Monteses Translated.pdf/26

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sc. ii.
Castelvines y Monteses.

Scene II.—Garden of the house of Antonio.

Antonio, Teobaldo, Julia, Dorotea, Celia, Otavio, Cavaliers, Ladies, and Musicians.

Antonio. The heat within oppresses much;
Here 'twere better that we rest.

Otavio to Julia. I, sweet cousin, find oppression here
As great as that within.

Julia. Wanting a pert lover, thou, good coz,
Would'st favour me.

Otavio. More need have I of favours, coz.

Julia. Of all these gay and joyous maids,
Hath none a smile or dance for thee, Otavio?

Otavio. I seek them not.

Julia. Why leave their smiles unsought, good coz?

Otavio. I have no wish to seek, for where I seek,
My seeking is but hopeless search.

Teobaldo. Come, come, Antonio, let us rest awhile.

Antonio. Where stay our children?

Teobaldo. Ah me! 'twould be a happy day for us,
That sees fair Julia wed Otavio.

Antonio. They're cousins, true; but if concerted well
'Twould be most easy.

Enter Celio and Fabio, two maskers.

Celio. Have we the licence here to dance?