Anselmo. Although my heart be heavy as a stone,
I'll aid thee, though I face a thousand deaths.
Marin. Am I not most rashly brave? I'll live
And die with thee, my lord, my aid I'll give.
Roselo. Counting such loving help as this,
Mischances may assail; yet hoping bliss
I count mischances naught,
So little does our prudence weigh
When love the balance trims.
Julia, I swear that thou shalt be mine own,
My truly wedded love, my gentle wife;
And happy then that day will be
When I may live and die for thee. [Exuent.
Scene IV.—An Orchard.
Enter Otavio, Celia, and Julia.
Otavio. I understand thee not.
Julia. Nor know I thine intent.
Otavio. Sweet coz, at your command
I'm here.
Julia. Here, how, why?
Otavio. If thou did'st not count upon my coming
Why wand'ring 'neath the stars?
Julia. I came here for no purpose that I know
Save this, to show mine anger if thou cam'st.
Otavio. Thy mem'ry fails, for at the ball,