Page:Castelvines y Monteses Translated.pdf/58

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sc. i.
Castelvines y Monteses.

Fesenio. Apart; but she was silent,
And doth desire no fray.

Teobaldo. And so conceded it must ever be,
That all the damsels of Castelvin's kin
Give place to beauteous Montes!

Fesenio. 'Tis hardly wise such bitter sneers
If thou dost hope some steady hand
Shall hold the trembling scales of peace.

Teobaldo (looking in at the door). Seest thou they've cast the seats
Upon the ground?

Fesenio. Carest thou for peace and concord, then
Push not thy revenge so close;
Dost care that brawls and sword-strife shall
Through all Verona's streets be daily trade?
For they that brawl shall fell perdition find;
Wouldst thou breed maddening hate between thy kind?

Teobaldo. Shall I in silence suffer such a slight?
Such 'haviour would disgrace a very Goth,
To jostle noble ladies from their seats.

Enter Otavio, Julia, Celia, and servants.

Julia. Thy sister, is she here?

Otavio. She went abroad some hours since.

Julia. And yet so early!

Otavio. She doubtless thought that thou
Did'st know of this most holy friar's fame,
And so have waited on the sermon more
Early and betimes.

Julia. Hadst thou, good cousin, on last eventide
Declared this to my mother, then I know
We had been long since here,