the majority of them are clerks, while very few obtain their livelihood by agriculture. In the course of my investigations in the city of Madras, the following occupations were recorded :—
Accountant. | Painter. |
Attendant, Lunatic Asylum. | Petition writer. |
Baker. | Police Inspector. |
Bandsman. | Porter. |
Bill collector. | Printer. |
Blacksmith. | Proof-reader. |
Boarding-house keeper. | Railway — |
Boatswain. | Auditor. |
Boiler smith. | Chargeman. |
Carpenter. | Engine-driver. |
Chemist's assistant. | Engineer. |
Clerk, Government. | Goods clerk. |
Clerk, commercial. | Guard. |
Commission agent. | Locomotive Inspector. |
Compositor. | Parcels clerk. |
Compounder. | Prosecuting Inspector. |
Contractor. | Shunter. |
Coppersmith. | Signaller. |
Crane attendant, harbour. | Station-master. |
Draftsman, | Storekeeper. |
Electric tram driver. | Ticket collector. |
Electric tram inspector. | Tool-keeper. |
Engine-driver, ice factory. | Block signaller. |
Evangelist. | Carriage examiner. |
Filer. | Reporter. |
Fireman. | Rivetter. |
Fitter. | Saddler. |
Hammerer. | Schoolmaster. |
Harness-maker. | Sexton. |
Jewel-smith. | Spring-smith. |
Joiner. | Stereotyper. |
Labourer. | Steward. |
Livery stable-keeper. | Telegraph clerk. |
Mechanic. | Watchmaker. |
Moulder. | Watchman. |