Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 4.djvu/228

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Kūttādi Is a Tamil synonym for Marātha (Ārē) Dommaras. Kūttādi also occurs as the name of a class of mendicants attached to Kaikōlans.

Kūttan.— A division of Toda.

Kūttina.——Recorded, in the Travancore Census Report, 1901, as a sub-division of Nāyar.

Kuttiya. — A sub-division of Kond.

Kuzhal. — The name of the flute used by shepherds and snake-charmers. It occurs as an exogamous sept of Toreyas, the members of which must not hear the sound of this musical instrument when at meals.

Kūzhappara. — Recorded, in the Travancore Census Report, 1901, as a sub-division of Nāyar.

Kuzhiyan.——A synonym derived from kuzhi a pit, for Thanda Pulayans, in reference to the legend that they were found emerging in a state of nudity from a pit.

Labbai.— The Labbais are summed up, in the Madras Census Report, 1901, as being "a Musalman caste of partly Tamil origin, the members of which are traders and betel vine (Piper Betle) growers. They seem to be distinct from the Marakkāyars, as they do not intermarry with them, and their Tamil contains a much smaller admixture of Arabic than that used by the Marakkāyars. In the Tanjore district, the Labbais are largely betel vine cultivators, and are called Kodikkālkāran (betel vine people)." In the Census Report, 1881, the Labbais are said to be " found chiefly in Tanjore and Madura. They are the Māppilas of the Coromandel coast, that is to say, converted Dravidians, or Hindus, with a slight admixture of Arab blood. They are thrifty,