Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 6.djvu/220

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Stromateus cinereus, Bloch. —
Immature, silver pomfret.
Adult, grey pomfret.
Stromateus niger. Bloch. Black pomfret.
Mugal subvirldis, Cuv. & Val. Mullet.
Psettodes erumei, Bl. Schn. ' Sole.'
Lates calcarlfer, Bloch. Cock-up the begti of Calcutta.
Lutjanus roseus. Day.
Lutjanus marginatus, Cuv. & Val.
Polynemus tetradactylus, Shaw.
Chorinemus lysan, Forsk.

The Pattanavans are Saivites, but also worship various minor gods and Grāma Dēvatas (village deities). In some places, they regard Kuttiyāndavan as their special sea god. To him animal sacrifices are not made, but goats are sacrificed to Sembu Vīrappan or Mīnnodum Pillai, an attendant on Kuttiyāndavan. In Tanjore, the names of the sea gods are Pāvadairāyan and Padaithalaidaivam. Before setting out on a fishing expedition, the Pattanavans salute the god, the sea, and the nets, In the Tanjore district, they repair their nets once in eight days, and, before they go out fishing, pray to their gods to favour them with a big catch. On a fixed day, they make offerings to the gods on their return from fishing. The gods Pāvadairāyan and Padaithalaidaivam are represented by large conical heaps of wet sand and mud, and Ayyanar, Ellamma, Kuttiyāndavar, Muthyāl routhar and Kiliyēndhi by smaller heaps. At the Māsimakam festival, the Pattanavans worship their gods on the sea-shore. The names Jāttan and Jātti are given to children during the Jātre or periodic festival of the village goddesses.