Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 6.djvu/464

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when on tour collecting burial fees. They can be recognised by the wooden bell in addition to the usual metal one, which they always carry about. Without this no one would acknowledge the agent's right to collect the fees.

Sugāli.——Sugāli and Sukāli are synonyms of Lambādi.

Sugamanchi Balija.— A name said to mean the best of Balijas, and used as a synonym for Gāzula Balija.

Sukka (star). — An exogamous sept of Yerukala. The equivalent Sūkra occurs as a gōtra of Oriya Kālinjis.

Sūlē.—- A Canarese name for professional prostitutes. Temple dancing-girls object to the name, as being low. They call themselves Vēsyas or Bēsyas, Naiksāni, or Naikini (Naik females).

Sullokondia. — The highest sub-division of the Gaudos, from whose hands Oriya Brāhmans will accept water.

Sunar.—See Sonar.

Sundarattān. — A sub-division of Nāttukōttai Chetti.

Sundi.—See Sondi.

Sunkari.——The Sunkari or Sunkara-vāndlu are cultivators, fishermen, and raftsmen in the Godāvari district. According to the Rev. J. Cain*[1] they come from some part of the Central Provinces, and are not regarded as outcasts, as stated in the Central Provinces Gazetteer.

Sunna Akki (thin rice). — A family name or bedagu of Donga Dāsari.

Sunnambukkāran (lime man). — An occupational name for Paravas, Paraiyans, and other classes, who are employed as lime (chunam) burners. Sunnapu, meaning

  1. * Ind. Ant. VIII, 1879.