Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India, Volume 6.djvu/94

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Pannādai (sheath of the cocoanut leaf). — A sub-division of Vēttuvan.

Pannaiyān. — A title of Alavan.

Pannara. — A sub-division of Māli.

Pannendu Nāl (twelve days). — A name for those Pallis who, like Brāhmans, perform the final death ceremonies on the twelfth day.

Pannirendām (twelfth) Chetti. — A section of the Chettis.

Pāno.— In the Madras Census Report, 1891, the Pānos are described as "a caste of weavers found in the Ganjam district. This caste is no doubt identical with the Pans, a weaving, basket-making, and servile caste of Orissa and Chota Nagpore. The Pānos occupy the same position among the Khonds of Ganjam as the Dombs hold among the inhabitants of the Vizagapatam hills, and the words Pāno and Dombo are generally regarded as synonyms [See Dōmb]. The members of the Sitra sub-division are workers in metal." It is further noted, in the Census Report, 1901, that the Pānos are "an extensive caste of hill weavers found chiefly in the Ganjam Agency. The Khond synonym for this word is Domboloko, which helps to confirm the connection between this caste and the Dombas of Vizagapatam. They speak Khond and Oriya." In a note on the Panos, I read that "their occupations are trading, weaving, and theft. They live on the ignorance and superstition of the Khonds as brokers, pedlars, sycophants, and cheats. In those parts where there are no Oriyas, they possess much influence, and are always consulted by the Khonds in questions of boundary disputes." In a brief account of the Pānos, Mr. C. F. MacCartie writes *[1] that "the

  1. * Madras Census Report, 1881.