Page:Castes and Tribes of Southern India.djvu/42

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the measurements of a few Marātha (non-Dravidian) classes settled in the Canarese country. In the following tabular statement, I have brought together, for the purpose of comparison, the records of the head-measurements of representative classes in each of these areas:—

Class. Language. Number of subjects
Cephalic Index. Number of times index
was 80 or above.
Average. Maximum, cm. Minimum, cm.
Sukun Sālé Marāthi 30 82·2 90·0 73·9 21
Suka Sālé Do. 30 81·8 88·2 76·1 22
Vakkaliga Canarese 50 81·7 93·8 72·5 27
Billava Tulu 50 80·1 91·5 71·0 14
Agasa Canarese 40 78·5 85·7 73·2 13
Bant Tulu 40 78·0 91·2 70·8 12
Kāpu Telugu 49 78·0 87·6 71·6 16
Tota Balija Do. 39 78·0 86·0 73·3 10
Bōya Do. 50 77·9 89·2 70·5 14
Dāsa Banajiga Canarese 40 77·8 86·2 72·0 11
Gāniga Do. 50 77·6 85·9 70·5 11
Golla Telugu 60 77·5 89·3 70·1  9
Kuruba Canarese 50 77·3 83·9 69·6 10
Bestha Telugu 60 77·1 85·1 70·5  9
Pallan Tamil 50 75·9 87·0 70·1  6
Mukkuvan Malayālam 40 75·1 83·5 68·6  2
Nāyar Do. 40 74·4 81·9 70·0  1
Vellāla Tamil 40 74·1 81·1 67·9  2
Agamudaiyan Do. 40 74·0 80·9 66·7  1
Paraiyan Do. 40 73·6 78·3 64·8 ...
Palli Do. 40 73·0 80·0 64·4  1
Tiyan Malayālam 40 73·0 78·9 68·6 ...

The difference in the character of the cranium is further brought out by the following tables, in which the