Page:Castes and tribes of southern India, Volume 5.djvu/208

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(10) You must bathe if you happen to be near another, i.e., a Chandala.
(11) You must bathe if you touch polluted wells or tanks.
(12) You must not tread over a place that has been cleaned with a broom, unless it is sprinkled with water.
(13) A particular mode of marking the forehead with ashes (otherwise described as putting three horizontal lines on the forehead with pure burnt cow-dung).
(14) You must repeat charms yourself. (You must not allow someone else to do it.)
(15) You must avoid cold rice, etc. (food cooked on the previous day).
(16) You must avoid leavings of meals by children.
(17) You must not eat anything that has been offered to Siva.
(18) You must not serve out food with your hands.
(19) You must not use the ghī of buffalo cows for burnt offerings.
(20) You must not use buffalo milk or ghī for funeral offerings.
(21) A particular mode of taking food (not to put too much in the mouth, because none must be taken back).
(22) You must not chew betel while you are polluted.
(23) You must observe the conclusion of the Brahmachāri period (the samāvarttanam ceremony).

This should be done before consorting with Nāyar women.

(24) You must give presents to your guru or preceptor. (The Brahmachāri must do so.)
(25) You must not read the Vēdas on the road.