Page:Castes and tribes of southern India, Volume 5.djvu/270

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Nanukonda.— A sub-division of Lingāyat Kāpus, named after the village of Nanukonda in the Kurnool district.

Naravidyavāru.— These are Vipravinōdis, who are Jangams by caste. They style themselves Naravidyavāru when they perform acrobatic and other feats before ordinary people, and Vipravinōdi when they perform before Brāhmans. The name Naravidyavāru is said to be a contraction of Narulu-mēchche-vidya-cheyu-vāru, i.e., those who receive the approbation of men. One of their most favourite feats is throwing three or four wooden or stone balls up into the air, and rolling them quickly in succession over various parts of the body — arms, chest, etc.

Nariangal (nari, jackal). — An exogamous sept of Vallamban.

Nārikēla (cocoanut). — An exogamous sept of Balija.

Narollu (fibre). — An exogamous sept of Pedakanti Kāpu.

Narpathu Katchi (forty-house section). — A sub-division of Valluvan.

Nasrāni Māppilla.— A name, in Malabar, applied to Christians.

Nāsuvan.— Nāsivan or Nāsuvan, said to mean unholy, one who should not be touched, or one sprung from the nose, is the name for Ambattans (Tamil barbers). The equivalents Nāsiyan and Nāvidan occur as a name for Telugu barbers, and Malayāli barbers who shave Nāyars and higher castes. Nāvidan is further recorded as the occupational name of a sub-division of Tamil Paraiyans, and Vēttuvans.

Natamukki.— Recorded, in the Travancore Census Report, 1901, as a sub-division of Nāyar.

Naththalu (snails). — An exogamous sept of Māla.