Page:Castes and tribes of southern India, Volume 5.djvu/58

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It was recorded, in 1902, that a young Maravan, who was a member of the family of the Zemindar of Chokampatti, was the first non-Christian Maravan to pass the B.A. degree examination at the Madras University.

The general title of the Maravans is Tēvan (god), but some style themselves Talaivan (chief), Sērvaikkāran (captain), Karaiyālan (ruler of the coast), or Rāyarvamsam (Rāja's clan).

Marayan.——A synonym of Mārān.

Māri.——Māri or Mārimanisaru is a sub-division of Holeya.

Māriyan. — Said to be a sub-division of Kōlayān.

Markandēya. — A gōtra of Padma Sālē and Sēniyan (Dēvānga), named after the rishi or sage Markandēya, who was remarkable for his austerities and great age, and is also known as Dīrghāyus (the long-lived). Some Dēvāngas and the Sālāpus claim him as their ancestor.

Marri(Ficus bengalensis). — An exogamous sept of Mālā and Mutrācha. Marri-gunta (pond near a fig tree) occurs as an exogamous sept of Yānādi.

Marumakkathāyam. — The Malayālam name for the law of inheritance through the female line.

Marvāri.— A territorial name, meaning a native of Marwar. At times of census, Marvāri has been returned as a caste of Jains, i.e., Mārvāris, who are Jains by religion. The Marvāris are enterprising traders, who have settled in various parts of Southern India, and are, in the city of Madras, money-lenders.

Māsādika. — A synonym for Nādava Bant.

Māsila (māsi, dirt). — An exogamous sept of Dēvānga.

Masthān.— A Muhammadan title, meaning a saint, returned at times of census.