Page:Castlemon--Joe Wayring at Home.djvu/69

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LOREN and Ralph Farnsworth, in spite of Tom's predictions to the contrary, had no trouble in scraping an acquaintance with the first bowman they met. It was Arthur Hastings, the secretary of the company and one of the best shots in it. They drew his attention by touching their hats to him as he passed (that is, the brothers did, Tom being in too bad humor to be civil), and Arthur seeing that they desired to speak to him, stopped and opened the conversation himself.

"I know almost every stranger here this summer, but I don't remember to have seen you two before," said he, pulling off his white gloves and extending a hand to each of them.

"We came on the early morning train," replied Ralph. "We were just in time to witness your parade, which I assure you was