On us by evil days and evil fortunes.
Now, more than ever, do we need such aid,
For I misdoubt but that Castruccio knows
'Twas not to serve him that I sought the council
When he was prisoner.
To a gay banquet here, and bid with him
All his chief followers; let us seem friends:
And, if we watch our hour, that hour will come.
And urge our welcome.[Exit.
LEONI (Solus).
The brave more daring; and Castruccio's brave.
It is a desperate game that I must try,
And yet our only chance. There's little time,
But haste is the friend of enterprise:
I will but snatch a moment with Bianca,
Then to my task.[Exit.
Scene II.— Interior of a Church.
CLARICHA enters, and makes an Offering of Flowers at
the Shrine of the Madonna.
By the strong tie of sorrows shared, look down