Love nestles in its shadow; and, subdued,
Mine enemies are prostrate at my feet.
Bear witness, Lucca! in this silent hour,
That my first thought is thine; I have not ask'd
A transitory name for thee or me;
My conquests have but sought to keep our gates
Steadfast against a foreign foe; within
Have I kept order and security.
The iron power, made selfish by the few,
Have I subdued, and temper'd in its use.
The citizens have learnt to know their strength,
And in that strength lies freedom.
(The panel at the back begins to open, and Leoni
appears. He advances towards Castruccio, who
starts, but instantly composes himself, and appears
occupied by the papers on the table.)
Turn in the panel, and I hear a step;
It is too stealthy for a friendly one—
Let me be on my guard—it comes more near.
I see a shadow darken on the ground:
There is a dagger in the hand. I'll seem
Busy among these letters while I watch.
(Leoni attempts to stab him, but Castruccio springs
up, and snatches the dagger.)
(Throws down the dagger.)