Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/127

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IRAMANAIRAYANA – @ 229 RAMANARAYANA VIDYARATNA (continued). See Rāmaprasāda Sena and other poets. PURĀNAs.—Bhāgavatapurāna. শ্রীমদ্ভাগবতম্ | [With a Bengali translation by Rāmamārāyana Vidyāratna.) (1885, etc.] 4°. 14018, dd. 3. See PURANAs.—Padmapurina. *TTTTI í*i*I l উত্তরখণ্ডস্ | [Uttarakhanda, with a Bengali translation by Rāmanārāyaņa Vidyāratna.] [1899, etc.] 4°. 14016, е 45. See Rūra GosvĀırī. Ē=Ist=infa: [Ujjvalanilamani. Edited, with a prose translation, by Ramanarayana Vidyāratna. 1892, etc.) 8o. 14053. d. 49. কৃষ্ণকণামৃত । Edited, with a prose trans See VI LvAMAÑGALA GosvĀMī. [Krishnakarņāmrita. lation, by Rāmanārāyaņa Vidyāratna.] [1890, etc.) 8o. 14076, d. 44. RAMANİMOHANA GHOSHA, Lyrical poems.] pp. ii. 109. arşist I [Mañjarī. «faz Rzl LCalcutta, 1907.] 12°. 14129. bb. 34.(1.) - $33 [Mukura. Short poems on various subjects.] pp. ii. 102. <faktiwl • 2ov (Calcutta, 1899.] 12°. 14129, bb, 8,02.) RAMANIMOHANA MALLIKA. SeeBALARAMA DAsa, q&[g [3[q[3] I [Balarāma Däsa. Edited, with notes and an introduction, by Ramaņīmohana Mallika.] [1899.] 8°. 14129. c. 54. Son of Lītmārāma. See NAROTTAMA DRsA. FICHIGITTIJI I UNarottama Dāsa. A collection of Vaishņava songs. Edited, with annotations, and a critical account of the life and works of the poet, by Ramani mohana Mallika.] [1903.] 8o. 14123. ff. 10.(3.) প্রাচীন স্ত্রী-কবি [Prächină stri-kavi. A collection of short poems by old Bengali poetesses on the amours of Krishņa.] pp. I 4. EfG-FIEI > tag (Calcutta, 1899.] 12°. 14129. bb. 16.(1.) RĀMĀNUJA VIDYĀRNAVA. See PURĀŅAs.–Dhar****{{** [Brihad-dharmapurana. With a Bengali translation by Rāmānuja Vidyārnava and others.] [1908.] 8°. 14016. dd. 28.01.)

  • тариrд га.

RĀMAPRASĀDA SENA, called KavIRAÑJANA. See KAILĀSACHANDRA SIMHA. Hjorē zīšīrē 1 [Sādhaka sañgita. Songs in praise of the goddess Kāli by 4°. -IRAMA I’I:. MSAN NA 2:30 With a sketch of the life of Rāmaprasāda Sena.] [1885.] 12°. 14123. е 10. See RĀKHĀLADÃsa Kaviratsa, or Taiff= šī zizĚŇ I [Paramārthika gītāvali. Religious songs. Pt. i. By Rāmaprasāda Sena.] 14129. a. 25. - LLife.] See SẤxTIRÃMA DE. #f##g?-ĩ vZ রামপ্রসাদ সেনের জীবন-বৃত্তান্ত | [Rāmaprasāda Sener jivana-vrittānta.] [1889.] 12°. 14131. d. 21.(3) =#f=29= <f=TH231= | [Kāvyasangraha. The poetical works of Râmaprasada Sena.] pp. vi. iv. 187, 2, 30, 1 13, 3. zoefzi<É (E=l >> >> [Cal,~utta, 1885.] 12°. 14129. a. 26. orHzăī I [Padāvalī. Devotional songs, chiefly in praise of the goddess Kali, by RāmaSecond edition.] কলিকতা ১২৯২ [t alcutta, 1886.] 124. 14129. a. 24. (1) prasāda Sena and other poets. pp. 70. wrotáñi I [Padavali. Another collection of songs by Rāmaprasāda Sena and other poets.] pp. 72. কলিকাত ১২৯২ [Calcutta, 1886.] 12 . 14129. a. 24.(2) কবিরঞ্জন রামপ্রসাদের গ্রন্থাবলী ! [Ramaprasāder granthāvalī. The poetical works of RāmaEdited, with notes and a life of the poet, by Dvārakānātha Vasu.] pp. 16, 332. Calcutta, Sw-sc [1895.] 12°. 14129. a. 37. prasåda Sema. fosto [Vidyā-Sundara. The story of Vidyā and Sundara in verse, with copious notes, a life of the author and a criticism of the work.] pp. iv. 51, 181, 123, iv. <tfix IE *ss (Calcutta, 1886.] 12°. 14129, b. 31. RÅMAPRASANNA GH0SHA. @¡ē¡z3ìTGTT#[&q | [Gaurachandrodaya. An anthological work on With copious Sanskrit quotations.] pp. ii. 215, iv. z=RIT: H → cev- [Berhampore, 1901.] 8°. 14123,f,5, RĀMAPRASANNA VANDYOPĀDHYĀYA, Sangītāসঙ্গীত-মধ্রুরী । [Sangita-mafijari. Airs set in the Bengali system of musical notation.] কলিকাতা ১৩১৪ [Calcutta, 1907 14125, d. 30. Chaitanya and his religious teachings. charya. pp. xxiv. 728.