Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/167

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300 V[VEKANAN1)A VIVEKĀNANDA, Svāmī [i.e. NARENDRANĀTHA DATTA]. চিকাগো & [Chikāgo-vaktrità. A Bengali translation of Svāmi Vivekananda’s Lecture on Hinduism delivered at the World’s Fair of Religions at Chicago.] pp. iii. 33. কলিকাতা ১৩০৮ [Calcutta, 1002.] 127. 14123. e. 32. залстist i (Jnanayoga. Lectures on Jiānayoga, translated from the English original of Svāmī Vivekānanda, by Svāmī Suddhāmanda.] pp. ii. 276. &fossi 32b (Calcutta, 1902.] 8°. 14123。ff,7.(2) স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ প্রণীত রাজযোগ । [Rājayoga. A Bengali translation of Svāmi Vivekānanda's English lectures on Rājayoga. By Svāmī Suddhänanda.1 pp. v. 237. zef Tz5T zi o zag [Calcutta, 1899.] 8°. 14123. ff. 7.(1.) woPADEWA. সানুবাদ সটীকং মুগ্ধবোধঃ ব্যাকরণং [Mugdhabodha. Sanskrit text with Durgādāsa's commentary as far as the end of the kridantádh yiya, and Räma Tarkavágisa's commentary thence to the end, together with a Bengali paraphrase of each siltra.] pp. xxii. 800, of Tosol ov-S8 [Calcutta, 1894.] 89. 14090. е. 24. VRAJALĀLA CHAKRAVARTī. TēzH-fog fg=H-HTIG s 2IEfĀS f>f<FI 2-TËīrā HezĘTH I [Vaňgadegastha Hindu samāja. The Hindu society of Bengal, and hints on the reform of the existing system of education.] pp. 16. [Calcutta, 1902.] 8°. 14125. ee. 39. VRAJAMOHANA RÁYA. v 35c:IT=={ aj-grztán I Vrajamohana-granthāvali. The complete works of Vrajamohana Rāya, with a life of the author.] *fool SSS 5 [Calcutta, 1906, etc.] 8°. 14127. ee. 29. In progress. vRAJANATHA CHANDRA. cif:zzT-i-f: শোলাঙ্কি বা শুক্লিজাতির আদি-রক্তান্ত । [Solankijätir ãdivrittānta. A brief account of the Solāīki or Sukli caste of Midnapur.] pp. 43. *sūzāsēl S 358 [Calcutta, 1907.] 12°. 14125. е 50. VRAJANĀTHA MITRA. Ērg-ERE I ETH • THI W*-*ift" | [Krida-tarañga. Cards, dice-playing, and other games.] pp. 80. EfāzēISI > ze s [Calcutta, 1896.] 12°. 14133. հ. 13. –VIRINI) AVANA 310 VRAJASUNDARA SANNYALA. See VişvesvARA, সত্যনারায়ণের পাচালী । [Satyanārāyaņer Edited, with an introduction, by 14133. f. 18. Dvija. pāņchālī. Vrajasundara Sânnyala.] [1902.] 8°. zofia for [Kavir itihasa. A series of articles on Bengali poetry, with short biographies of poets.] 5 or [1905, etc.] See Periodical PUBLIcations.–Calcutta. Hifs EJ->iefs El i [Sahitya1900, etc. 8o. 14.133. ff. 1. samhitâ.] Vol. vi., mo. 3, etc. In progress.

  1. if: iizâl 3 : [Manik Ganguli o Dharmamangala. An account of the poet Manik Gäfiguli and his Dharmamangala.] × 2.2 [1906.] See Academies, etc.—Calcutta.-Bengal Academy of Literature. Hifz EJ-offāgs-ofāzēl Sahitya-parishat-patrikā.] Vol. xii., no. 1. [1894, etc.) 8o. 14133. f. 18.

FG=inta častig af i [Musalmān Vaishņava kavi. The poems of Muhammadan Vaishnava poets, compiled and edited with biographical notices by Vrajasundara Sännyäla.] রাজসাঙ্গী ১৩১১ [Rajshahi, 1906, etc.] 12°. 14129. cc. 17. In progress. Wanting pt. 2. VRAJENDRALĀLA BHATTĀCHĀRYA. Amply illustrated, syllabically divided and pronouncing dictionary of the English language, with various English and Bengali meanings of every word. Compiled . . . by Dr. Brojendra Lall Bhattacharjee. pp. 801. Calcutta, 1902. 8°. 14133. b. 18. VRAJENDRANATHA GHOSHAL. See Carey (W.), D.D. A Dictionary of the Bengalee Language. Vol. I. Bengalee and English . . . Revised and edited by Brojendra Nath Ghosal. 1890. 8°. 12907. CC. 31. See CAREY (W.), D.D. A Dictionary of the Bengali Language. Vol. I. Bengali and English . . . Revised and edited by Rasamay Mitra . . . and Brojendra Nath Ghosal. 1902. 8°. 14133. b. 19. VRINDĀVANA DĀSA. Ē Ē ē SīzifRest sig i [Bhajananirmaya.” A poem on Vaishnava devotion and religious obligations. Edited by Rādhesachandra Däsa.] pp. iv. 139. zoeffiz5,-si ><ov- [Calcutta, 1901.] 12°. 14129. bb. 12.