Page:Catalogue of Bengali printed books in the library of the British Museum.djvu/79

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133 KIRIKALASAI) I PIKA – KRIKALASADIPIKA, বিবিধসাধন । কৃকলাস দীপিকা । [Krikalāsadipikā. A work on Tantric magic. Sanskrit text, with a Bengali translation.] pp. 20. (1893, etc.) See PьклорпсAь РовысАтомs.—Calcutta. : T: [Arunodaya.] Pt. i., no. 31. 1890, etc.) 4o. 14133. g. 16. KRIPĀNĀTHA ŞARMĀ VISVĀSA, sizziș cris [Akalanka yoga. Miscellaneous writings in prose and verse, with occasional Sanskrit stanzas.] Köfösö RE > 3’ > [Calcutta, 1903.] 14131. d. 45. pp. iv. iii. 27Ö. 12°. KRISHNABANDHU MUKHOPADHYAYA. Mode of translation [from Bengali into English]. By Krishna Bandhu Mukerjee. pp. 135. Serajguage, 1891, 12°. 14131. е. 21.01.) KRISHNA-CHAITANYA, See CHAITANYA. KRISHNACHANDRA RAYA, of Calcutta. Phrases and Idioms, with explanations in English and Bengali, and illustrative sentences from standard By Krishna Chandra Roy. Fifth pp. iv. 592. 14131. g. 34. সঙ্গীত - English works. edition. Revised and enlarged. Calcutta, 1904. 8°. KRISHNACHANDRA TĀLAVIşĀRADA. *Too [Safigita-vyākarana. A treatise on the Hindu system of musical notation.] pp. 136. ঢাকা ১৩০৬ [Dacca, 1900.] 8°. 14125. d. 28. KRISHNАСНАNDRA VASU MALLIKA, TRS of I [Manastāpa. Patriotic songs.] pp. vi. 70. Calcutta, S >> 5 [1907.] 12°. 14129. bb. 33. KRISHNACHARANA MAJUMDĀR. See YADUNANDANA, Ravi, sR FER 3 *inicatival etc. [Dhäkura. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by Krishnacharana Majumdār, and followed by a criticism on a treatise by Govindamohana Rāya Vidyāvinoda..] [1891.] 12o. 14127. a. 20. KRISHNADĀSA, Disciple of Rāpa Gosvīmī. Šā ātsitēm - ēzitzīRI sig I [Gopī-upāsanā. the sports of Krishna with the milkmaids of Brindaban.] pp. 72. Calcutta, 1896. 8°. 14129. с. 49. Published for the first time from a MS. dated 1257 B.S. KRISHNADĀSA KAVIRĀJA, Gosvāmī. See Sturs A poem on – KIRISIINAI)ASA 134 KRISHNADĀSA KAVIRĀJA, Gosvāmī (continued . বাল্য-বিলাস । [Bălyavilăsa. A poem on the sports of Krishụa when a boy.] See Vaish Nava GRANTHã বৈষ্ণব গ্রন্থাবলী । [1900.] 122. 14123. е. 20 (3.) রহৎ আশ্রয় নিণয় গ্রন্থ অর্থাৎ ভাব আশ্ৰয় । A treatise in verse on v ALī. [Brihat àsraya-nirnaya. different modes of Vaishnava worship. Fifth edition.] Tj[zē] [Dacca, 189 {...] obl. 8°. 14123. f. 49.(1.) শ্ৰী শ্রীচৈতন্যচরি =Iz z [Chaitanya-charitāThe life of Chaitanya, in verse. Edited with copious notes, and translations of Sanskrit pp. 12. mrita. quotations accompamied by Sanskrit commentaries, by Madanagopala Gosvāmī.] কালনা ১৮১৩ [Kalna, 1891, etc.) 4°. 14123. i. 8. শ্রীশ্রীচৈতন্যচরিতামৃত | [Chaitanya - charitimrita. With the Sanskrit commentary of Visvanatha Chakravarti, and a Bengali interpretation, styled Sudhasañehārini by the editor, Makhanlala 3 vols. zofaz55 14123. g. 24. Dāsa Bhāgavatabhūshaņa.] S bog [Calcutta, 1908.] 8°. £oso | [Krishnakarnāmrita. A poem on the sports of Krishna at Brindaban, being a metrical translation by Yadumandana Dasa of Sanskrit entitled Sărangarañgadā, on the Krishnakarnāmrita of Krish nadāsa’s commentary - - - ? Vilvamañgala Gosvāmī.] See VaisHNAvA GRANTHA বৈষ্ণব গ্রন্থাবলী । [1000.] 122. 14123. е. 20.(3.) প্রেমাঙ্গুর | [Premānkura. Vaishnava hymns vALī. and poems, some few of which are in Sanskrit. Second edition.] pp. 15. on 3 [Berhampore, 1887.] 12°. 14123 е. 12.(1.) KRISHNADASA PALA, Editor of “The Hindoo Patriot.” [Life.] See RAMAGoPALA SANNYALA. osF H ofizāą Ệzist i The life of Kristo Das Pal, etc. 14127. b. 45.[2.) KRISHNADĀSA ŞĀSTRĪ. See PURĀŅAs.–Garuda Purian. গরুড়পুরাণম্ । [Garudapurána. With a Bengali translation by Krishnadāsa.] [1907.] 8°. 14016, dd. 26. See PURĀNAS.–Padmapurāna. -THI: Hisin BERG (O.). Das Caitanyacaritämrta des Krsnadäsa | Fof-3TSF 1 (Padmapuräna. The Svarga khanda. Kaviraja. . Stursberg. [1907.] 8°. . . Inaugural-Dissertation ... von Otto | With a Bengali translation by Krishņadāsa.] 14123,f,17, [1906] 8° 14016, dd. 24.01.)