Page:Cather--One of ours.djvu/203

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Claude’s trunk into town. He slowed his car. “Any message?” he called.

Dan grinned. “Naw. I left him doin’ as well as could be expected.”

Mrs. Wheeler met Ralph on the stairs. “He’s up in his room. He complains his new shoes are too tight. I think it’s nervousness. Perhaps he’ll let you shave him; I’m sure he’ll cut himself. And I wish the barber hadn’t cut his hair so short, Ralph. I hate this new fashion of shearing men behind the ears. The back of his neck is the ugliest part of a man.” She spoke with such resentment that Ralph broke into a laugh.

“Why, Mother, I thought all men looked alike to you! Anyhow, Claude’s no beauty.”

“When will you want your bath? I’ll have to manage so that everybody won’t be calling for hot water at once.” She turned to Mr. Wheeler who sat writing a check at the secretary. “Father, could you take your bath now, and be out of the way?”

“Bath?” Mr. Wheeler shouted, “I don’t want any bath! I’m not going to be married tonight. I guess we don’t have to boil the whole house for Enid.”

Ralph snickered and shot upstairs. He found Claude sitting on the bed, with one shoe off and one shoe on. A pile of socks lay scattered on the rug. A suitcase stood open on one chair and a black travelling bag on another.

“Are you sure they’re too small?” Ralph asked.

“About four sizes.”

“Well, why didn’t you get them big enough?”

“I did. That shark in Hastings worked off another pair on me when I wasn’t looking. That’s all right,” snatching away the shoe his brother had picked up to examine. “I don’t