S. Off. | Sanctum Officium—Congregation of the Holy Office, (Inquisition). |
S.P. | Sanctissime Pater—Most Holy Father. |
S.P., S. Petr. | Sanctus Petrus—St. Peter. |
S.P. | Summus Pontifex—Supreme Pontiff, Pope. |
S.P.A. | Sacrum Palatium Apostolicum—Sacred Apostolic Palace, Vatican, Quirinal. |
Sr. | Sister. |
S.R.C. | Sacra Rituum Congregatio—Sacred Congregation of Rites. |
S.R.E. | Sancta Romana Ecclesia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesia—Most Holy Roman Church; or, of the Most Holy Roman Church. |
SS. | Scriptores—Writers. |
SS.D.N. | Sanctissimus Dominus Noster—Our Most Holy Lord (Jesus Christ), also a title of the Pope. |
S., SS. | Sanctus, Sancti—Saint, Saints. |
S.T.B. | Sacræ Theologiæ Baccalaureus—Bachelor of Sacred Theology. |
S.T.D. | Sacræ Theologiæ Doctor—Doctor of Sacred Theology. |
S.T.L. | Sacræ Theologiæ Licentiatus—Licentiate of Sacred Theology. |
Suffr. | Suffragia—Suffrages (Br.); prayers of the saints. |
S.V. | Sanctitas Vestra—Your Holiness. |
Syn. | Synodus—Synod. |
Temp. | Tempus, Tempore—Time, in time. |
Test. | Testes, Testimonium—Witnesses, Testimony. |
Theol. | Theologia—Theology. |
Tit. | Titulus, Tituli—Title, Titles. |
Ult. | Ultimo—Last (day, month, year). |
Usq. | Usque—As far as. |
Ux. | Uxor—Wife. |
V., Ven., VV. | Venerabilis, Venerabiles—Venerable. |
V., Vest. | Vester—Your. |
Vac. | Vacat, Vacans—Vacant. |
Val. | Valor—Value. |
Vat. | Vaticanus—Vatican. |
Vba. | Verba—Words. |
V. | Versiculus—Versicle (Br.). |
Vers. | |
Vesp. | Vesperæ—Vespers (Br.). |
V.F., Vic. For. | Vicarius Foraneus—Vicar-Forane. |
V.G. | Vicarius Generalis—Vicar-General. |
Vid. | Vidua—Widow (Br.). |
Vid., Videl. | Videlicet—Namely. |
Vig. | Vigilia—Vigil of a feast (Br.). |
Viol. | Violaceus—Violet (Br.). |
Virg. | Virgo—Virgin (Br.). |
Virid. | Viridis—Green (Br.). |
V.M. | Vir Magnificus—Great Man. |
V. Rev. | Very Reverend. |
V.T. | Vetus Testamentum. |
XC., XCS. | Christus—Christ (first, middle, and last letters of the Greek name) |
Abbreviations in Catacomb Inscriptions. | |
A.D. | Ante Diem—e.g. in the phrase, "Ante Diem VI [or Sextum] Kal. Apriles", is equivalent to the sixth day before the Calends of April, counting both the Calends and the day intended to be indicated; or Anima Dulcis—Sweet Soul. |
A.Q.I.C. | Anima Quiescat In Christo—May his [or her] Soul Repose in Christ. |
B., BMT. | Bene Merenti—To the Well-Deserving. |
B.M. | Bonæ Memoriæ—Of Happy Memory. |
B.F. | Bonæ Feminæ—To the Good Woman. |
B.I.C. | Bibas [for Vivas] In Christo—Mayest thou Live In Christ. |
B.M.F. | Bene Merenti Fecit—He erected this to the Well-Deserving. |
B.Q. | Bene Quiescat—May he [or she] Rest Well. |
C. | Consul. |
CC. | Consules—Consuls. |
C.F. | Clarissima Femina—Most Illustrious Woman. |
Cl. V. | Clarissimus Vir—Most Illustrious Man. |
C.O. | Conjugi Optimo—To my Excellent Husband. |
C.O.B.Q. | Cum Omnibus Bonis Quiescat—May he [or she] Repose With All Good souls. |
COI. | Conjugi—To my Husband [or Wife]. |
CS., COS. | Consul. |
COSS. | Consules—Consuls. |
C.P. | Clarissima Puella—Most Illustrious Maiden. |
D. | Depositus—Laid to rest; or Dulcis—Dear One. |
D.D. | Dedit, Dedicavit—Gave, Dedicated. |
DEP. | Depositus—Laid to rest. |
D.I.P. | Dormit In Pace—Sleeps in Peace. |
D.M. | Diis Manibus—To the Manes [of]. |
D.M.S. | Diis Manibus Sacrum—Sacred to the Manes [of]. |
D.N. | Domino Nostro—To Our Lord. |
DD. NN. | Dominis Nostris—To Our Lords. |
E.V. | Ex Voto—In Fulfilment of a Vow. |
EX. TM. | Ex Testamento—In accordance with the Testament of. |
E VIV. DISC. | E Vivis Discessit—Departed from Life. |
F. | Fecit—Did; or Filius—Son; or Feliciter—Happily |
F.C. | Fieri Curavit—Caused to be made. |
F.F. | Fieri Fecit—Caused to be made. |
FF. | Fratres—Brothers. |
Filii—Sons. | |
FS. | Fossor—Digger |
H. | Hæres—Heir |
Hic—Here | |
H.L.S. | Hoc Loco Situs—Laid [or Put] in This Place. |
H.M.F.F. | Hoc Monumentum Fieri Fecit—Caused This Monument to be Made. |
H.S. | Hic Situs—Laid Here. |
ID. | Idibus—On the Ides. |
IDNE. | Indictione—In the Indiction [a chronological term]. |
I.L.H. | Jus Liberorum Habens—Possessing the Right of Children [i.e., eligibility to public office under age]. |
INB. | In Bono—In Good [odour]. |
IND. | Same as IDNE. |
INP | In Pace—In Peace. |
I.X. | In Christo—In Christ. |
K. | Kalendas—Calends; or Care, Carus, Cara—Dear One; or Carissimus (-a)—Dearest. |
K.B.M. | Karissimo Bene Merenti—To the Most Dear and Well-deserving. |
L. | Locus—Place. |
L.M. | Locus Monumenti—Place of the Monument. |
L.S. | Locus Sepulchri—Place of the Sepulchre. |
M. | Martyr, or Memoria—Memory; or Monumentum—Monument. |