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BURKE, EDMITND, B.A, Instructoii in Latin, College of the City of New York: Musuros, Markos.

BURTON, EDWIN, S.T.D., F.R. Hist. Soc, Vice- PuEsiDENT, St. Edmund's Colleoe, Ware, England: Matthew, Sir Tobie; Mile, Crispin; MonscU, William; Montfort, Simon dc; Morton, John; Mush (alias Ratcliffe), John.

CABROL, FERNAND, O.S.B., Abbot op St. Mi- chael's, Farnborough, England: Matins.

CAMPBELL, THOMAS J., S.J., Editor-in-Chief, "America", New York: Mass6, Enemond; Mdnard, Ren*?.

CANGIANO, VICTOR, C.S.C.B., Missionary Apos- tolic, Vice-Rector, St. Joachim's Church, New York: Missionaries of St. Charles Bor- romeo. Congregation of.

CASANOVA, GERTRUDE, O.S.B., Stanbrook Abbey, Worcester, England: Mechtilde, Saint.

CHAPMAN, JOHN, O.S.B., B.A. (Oxon.), Prior OF St. Thomas's Abbey, Erdington, Birming- ham, England: Maximus of Constantinople, Saint; Mclchisedechians; Monarchians; Mo- nophysitos and Monophysitism; Monothelitism and Monothelites; Montanists; Nestorius and Nestorianism.

CHARLES, BROTHER, Principal, Cathedral School, Natchez, Mississippi : Natchez, Diocese of.

CLEARY, GREGORY, O.F.M., J.C.D., J.Civ.D., S.T.L., sometime Professor of Canon Law AND Moral Theology, St. Isidore's College, Rome: Mastrius, Bartholomew; Medina, Juan de; Medina, Miguel de; Molloy (O'Molloy), Francis; Mullock, John T.

CLUGNET, JOSEPH-LfiON-TIBURCE, Lirr.L., Paris: Medardus, Saint.

COGHLAN, DANIEL, S.T.D., Professor of Dog- matic Theology, Maynooth College, Dublin: Murray, Patrick.

CORDIER, HENRI, Professor at the School for Oriental Living Languages, Paris: Mongoha.

CORLEY, JOHN LOUIS, LL.B., St. Louis, Mia-

.souRi: Missouri, State of. CRAM, RALPH ADAMS, F.R.G.S., F. Am. Inst.

Architects, President, Boston Society of

Architects, Boston: Narthex; Nave. CRIVELLI, CAMILLUS, S.J., Professor of

General History, Instituto CiENTfFico,

City of Mexico: Mendiburu, Manuel de; Men-

dieta, Jer6nimo; Mexico; Molina, Alonso de;

Morelos, Jos6 Maria; Motolinia, Toribio de

Benavcnte. CUSICK, PETER F., S.J., Professor op Chemistry

AND Geology, Boston College, Boston,

Massachusetts: Molloy, Gerald.

CUTHBERT, FATHER, O.S.F.C, Crawley, Sussex, England: Massaia, Guglielmo.

D'ALTON, E. A., LL.D., M.R.I.A., Athenry, Ireland: Moore, Arthur; Moylan, Francis; Murray, Daniel.

DEGERT, ANTOINE, Litt.D., Editor, " La Revue

DK LA GaSCOIGNE", PhoKKSSOR OF LaTIN LIT- ERATURE, Institut Catholique, Toulouse: Miussillon, Jean-Baptist e; Mathieu, Frangois- Dcsire; Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat.

DELANY, JOSEPH, S.T.D., New York: Mercy. Corporal and Spiritual Works of; Negligence.

DEVINE, ARTHUR, C.P., St. Paul's Retreat, Mount Argus, Dublin: Miracles, Gift of.

DE WULF, MAURICE, Member of the Belgian Academy, Professor of Logic and ^Esthet- ics. University of Louvain: Neo-Scholasti- cism.

DOHERTY, CHARLES J., K.C., D.C.L., LL.D., Montreal, Canada: Masses, Bequests for (Canada).

DOLAN, JOHN GILBERT, O.S.B., The Priory, Little Malvern, England: Muri (Muri- Gries).

DOMANIG, KARL, Ph.D., Honorary Imperial Councillor, Chief Director of the Imperial Collection of Coins, Klosterneuburg, Aus- tria: Molo, Gaspare.

DONOVAN, STEPHEN M., O.F.M., Franciscan Convent, Washington: Michael of Cesena.

DOUCERE, VICTOR, S.M., Titular Bishop of Ternuti, Vicar Apostolic of the New Heb- rides: New Hebrides, Vicariate Apostolic of.

DRISCOLL, JAMES F., S.T.D., New Rochelle, New York: Media and Medes; Moses Bar Cephas; Nabo (Nebo); Nathan; Nathanael; Nathinites; Nazarene; Nazarite; Nebo, Mount; Nemrod.

DRISCOLL, JOHN T., M.A., S.T.L., Fonda, New York: Miracle; Naturism.

DRUM, WALTER, S. J., Professor of Hebrew AND Sacred Scripture, Woodstock College, Maryland: Massorah, Mathathias; Menochio, Giovanni Stefano.

DUBRAY, CHARLES A., S.M., S.T.B., Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Marist College, Washington: Mersenne, Marin; Naturalism; Nature; Necromancy.

DUFFY, PATRICK EDWARD, S.T.L., Mullin- gar, Ireland: Meath, Diocese of.

DUHEM, PIERRE, Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Bordeaux: Nemore, Jordanus de.

DUTTON, JOSEPH M. F., Kalawao, Molokai, Hawaii: Molokai.