Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 10.djvu/588

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Saint Agostino and of the Oratorio dclla Misericordia are worthy of mention. Among the civic buildings are notable the Tarugi palace, like the Mercato a work of Pignola; the C'ontucci palace designed by San- gallo, and the fourteenth-century Palazzo Municipalc, which contains a small gallery of Sienese and of Um- brian art. Tlie most famous men of Montopulciano arc Cardinal Hcllarmiiie, Pope MarccUus II, Cervini, Angelo Ambnigiui, better known as Poliziano (1454- 1494), and the humanist Bartolomeo of Montepul- ciano. St. .\gnrs of Montepulciano died in 1137.

The city lK-li)ng(>(l originally to the Diocese of Arezzo, and had a ri)l!egiato church, whose archpriest became a mitred abbot in 1400; in 1480 it became a prwlatura nullius, and in 1561 was made the seat of a bishop. It.s first bishop was Spinello Benci (1562) ; among the others the follow- ing are well known: Talento de' Talenti (1640), a great sav- ant ; Antonio Cervini (1663),who did much for the cathedral and the episcopal palace; Pietro Francesi (1737) opposed the novelties of the Council of Florence in 1787; Pellegrino Maria Carletti (1802), author of several works and of eighteen letters on the National Coun- cil of Paris of 1810, at which he assisted. The diocese is im- mediately dependent

on the Holy See, and has 18 parishes, 15,879 inhabi- tants, two religious houses of men, and two of women.

Cappelletti, Le Chiese d'ltalia, XIII (Venice, 1857).

U. Benigni. Monterey and Los Angeles, Diocese of (Mon

Ifshed were retained, and thus it is that so many of the towns, rivers, and mountains still bear the names of various saints. The most noted among the early mis- sionaries were the holy and energetic Fr. Junlpero Serra, the founder of the missions; Fr. Francisco Par 16u, his biographer and the historian of the early mis- sionary period; Fr. Fcrmin de Lasuen, the and firm successor of Fr. Serra; Fr. Luis Jayme, the first martyr; Fr. Crespi, one of the discoverers of San Francisco and Monterey Bays and author of a lengthy description of the expedition; Fr. Buenaventura Sit- jar, author of a dictionary of the Telame language (New York, 1861); Fr. Geronimo Boscana, author of "Chinigchinig", an account of the Indian character and customs (New York, 1846) ; Fr. Felipe Arroyo de la Cuesta, author of a dictionary of 2884 words and expres- sions in the Mutsun language(Ncw York, 1862); Fr. Vincente de Sarrid, first cotn- isario-p>-efeclo and eminent for learning and piety; Fr. Mar- iano Payeras, author of an Indian cate- chism; Fr. Duran; Fr. Magin Catala; Fr. Francisco Dumetz; Fr. Jos6 Senan; Fr. Est6van Tapis; and Fr. Jos6 Maria Gonzalez Rtibio, administrator of the diocese after Bishop Diego's death. The first bishop of both Cali- fornias, Rt. Rev. Francisco Garcia Diego y Moreno, O.F.M., was consecrated 4 October, 1840, and died 30 April, 1S46, at Santa Barbara Mission, where his remains were interred on the Epistle side of the altar. Dur- ing his administration the first seminary for the edu-

_, ^ , ,_ _ cation of secular priests on the western coast was

TEREYENSis ET Angeloru.m), comprises that part of opened 4 May, 1844, at Mission Santa Inez; Fr. Jos6

Cathedral, Montepulciano

the State of California which lies south of 37° 5' N. lat and covers an area of 80,000 square miles. It thus embraces eighteen of the twenty-one Indian missions which made California famous. Originally the whole state with the penin.sula of LowerCalifomia formed the Diocese of Both Califomias whose first bishop was the

Joaquin Jimeno, O.F.M., was the first rector. Very Rev. Jos6 Maria Gonzalez Rubio, O.F.M., was ad- ministrator from 1846 to 1851 when Bishop Alemany arrived. Fr. Riibio was later proposed for a diocese but declined the mitre. While in charge of the See of Monterey, which included both Califomias, he en-

Rt. Rev. Francisco Garcia Diego y Moreno. On his joyed the privilege of administering the sacrament of

arrival in Upper California he established his residence at Santa Barbara Mission. On 1 May, 1850, the pope organized the Diocese of Monterey and named Rt. Rev. Joseph Sadoc Alemany, O.P., its first bishop, but Lower California was not withdrawn from his jurisdiction until 21 Dec., 1851. In 1853 the penin- sula was placed under the administration of the Metropolitan of Mexico. When on 29 July, 1853, the of San Francisco was erected, the boundaries of the Monterey Diocese were drawn as they exist at present. Alemany on 29 July, 1853, was promoted to the See of San Francisco, and on the .same dale Rt. Rev. Thaddeus Aniat, CM., was appointed Bishop of Monterey. The new resided at Santa Barbara, however, until 9 July, 18.59, on which date the pope permitted him to

Confirmation. Unable to procure priests to replace the old missionaries who were fast dying away, Fr. Riibio in 1849 invited the Jesuit Fathers to come to California and found a college in the territory. They consented and opened their college in 1851. He was born at Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1804, and entered the Franciscan Order at Zap6pan in 1824. In 1833 he ar- rived in California and was given charge of Mission San Jos(5. In 1842, at the request of the bishop, he re- moved to Santa Barbara, and lived there continuously until his death 2 November, 1875. His remains were buried in the vaults of the mission church. '

Rt. Rev. Thaddeus Amat, CM. (q. v.), after his consecration at Rome, 12 March, 1854, reached Cali- fornia in 1S55. In 1856 he called the Sisters of Charity (Vincentlans) to the diocese. They founded and still

remove his residence to Los Angeles, Ijut with instruc- conduct the orphan asylums at Los Angeles, Santa tions to retain the old title. Barbara, and Santa Cruz, and an academy at Hollis-

Around the former missions and the four military garrisons in the course of time immigrants from al- most every part of the world took up their abode and founded cities, but the names of the saints under whose invocation the Indian missions had been estab-

ter. He also brought the Lazarists or Vincentian Fathers to Los Angeles where they erected St. Vincent's College. At his request the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary came from Spain to California, 30 August, 1871, and opened schools for girls at Los