was at one time the property of Ascham's coIIprc, and enpps to him and the numerous essays on his career,
later, of the Marquess of II;\stin(is.
At about this lime Mor niarrird, but we know little of his wife, s;ive that her name was Metgen, and she is supposed to have been a widow. He became a man of large means, aecjuired properly, and was known as Moro van Dasliorst when residing in Utrecht. He had oneson, Philip, afterwards a canon, and two daughters. At the end of 1554, he Wivs back in Holland, where he paint etl a portrait of William of Orange, and other notable works. A little later he executed his own portrait, now in the Uffizi Gallery, one of his wife, now in the Prado, a portrait of a knight of St. James at Budapest, one of Alexander Famese at Parma, the portrait of an unknown man in ^'erona, and a verj- extraordinary religious pic- ture of the Resurrection, now at Nimwegen in a private collection. His portrait of Jean Le Cocq [Gallus], one of his wife, and that called Don Carlos, in the gallerj- at Cassel, those of the Duchess de Feria (?), and of a widow, in the Prado, of himself in Lord Spencer's
collection, and of Campana, the Brussels painter, in and effect, or philosophize in any way. His stj-le is the Basle gallery, are of a subsequent period. Several rather wearisome. See the Cronica general de Es- very important works, executed towards the close of paila, prosiguiendo adelante los cinco libros que el his hfe are, Elizabeth Queen of Spain, in the Bischoffs- Maestro Florian Docampo, Coronista del Emperador heim collection (London), Jacopo da Trezzo and tliree D. Carlos V dexo escrito.s" (AlcalA, 1574, 3 vols., and
have be<'n sununod up by Henri Hynians in his
memoir of Mor (Mrus.sels, 1910), and to this invalu-
able work all students must now be referred.
Hym.vns, AnUmio Moro, son wuvre ct ton temps (Brussels, ]<J10).
George Charles Williahison.
Morales, Aiibrosio, Spanish his-
torian, b. at Cordova, 1513; d. in
1591. After his studies at the
University of Salamanca and Alpald,
he took Holy orders. Soon he was
elected to the chair of Belles-Lettres
al Alcala. In 1574 he was appointed
ilironicler of Castile and cornmis-
-ioned to continue Floridn de
< )campo's "Cr6nica General de
Kspaija". This he brought down,
after ten j'ears of labour on it, to
the date of the union of Castile and
Leon under Ferdinand L His pupil
Sandoval continued it down to 1079.
While he exhibits more talent and
a better training than his predeces-
sor Ocampo, Morales still proves to
be on the whole an old-time chroni-
cler, and manifests little tendency to
react upon his facts, correlate cause
other fine por-
traits, in the St uers
gaUen,- (Paris) , and
the famous por-
trait of his own
master, Jan van
Scorel, belonging
to the Society of
Antiquaries (Lon-
don). Other noted
works are those
represent ing a Pro-
fe.*sor of the Uni-
versity of Oxford
in the Brunswick
Gallery, and the
very famous por-
traits of Sir
Thomas and Lady
Gresham, at one
time at Strawberrj-
Hill, now in the
Hermitage collec-
tion (St. Peters-
burg). After the
disgrace of Car-
dinal Granvelle.
Mor remained in
Spain for a while,
and the following
portraits belong to
this period of his
life: The Jeweller,
The Emperoe SIaxuiilias II
Antonis Mor, The Prado.
see also the ed. of
Madrid, 1791-2).
Other writings of
^Morales are "De
las antigtiedades
de las ciudades de
Espafia"; and the
"Viaje oor orden
del Rey'D. Felipe
H etc."
Memorias de la Aca- demia EspailoUit VIII, 2So sqq.
J. D. M.Ford.
Morales, Jtr.\N B.\CTISTA, mission- ary, b. about 1597 at Ecija in Anda- lusia, Spain; d. at Fu-ning, China, 17 Sept., 1664. He entered the Order of St. Dominic at a very early age,and, after devoting some years to mis- sionary work in the Philippine Islands, accompanied in 1633 a band of Do- minican mission- aries to China, tak- ing up their work
The Empress Maria.
Wife of Maximill^x TI
Antonis Mor. The Prado, Madrid
in the gallery of The Hague, Sir Henry Lee, in intheprovinceofFu-kien. Here he took an active part L«rd Dillon's collection, .\ntonio del Rio, his sons, and in the controversy between the Jesuits on the one side his wife, in the Louvre, the Duke of Alba, at and the Dominicans and Franciscans on the other, re- Brussels, Ferdinand of Toledo, at Vienna, and several garding Chinese customs (seeCniXA). Thelattermain
others of unknown people. His last portrait appears tained that the Jesuits, to win over more easily the peo-
to be that of "Goltzius", in the Brussels Gallen,-. pie to the religion of Christ, tolerated to a certain exteni
The last document that refers to him was one i.ssued the cult of Confucius and of ancestors ; and, seeing in tt '
t Antwerp, in 1.573, and we obtain the date of his allegedcondescensiontoheathencu.stoms,ajeopardy
death from certain documents still extant in the thepurityof thefaith,thevdespatchedMoralestoR6me
church of Notre Dame in that city. The many refer- in 1(>43, and on 12 Sept., 1645, obtained from Innocent