Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 10.djvu/676

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Ascension, and the SiinJay after the Ascension. The Miuss for the Annunciation is a model Mass with some of the invarialilc parts inserted. lIomiHes are inserted in some of the Masses, and the Uturgical part is preceded by a collection of Homilies. Belonged to the Abbey of Silos, (h) British Museum, Add. 3084,"), tenth eenturj-. Contains Offices and Masses for the Feast of St. Quiriacus (4 or 20 May), and of Feasts from St. John Baptist (24 .June) to St. Emilian (12 Nov.), thirty-seven in all, though not all in their proper order. Belonged to the Abbey of Silos, (i) British Museum, Add. 30846, tenth century. Contains Otliocs and Masses for Easter Week, fol- lowed by the Canticles for the same period, and the Hymns for Eastertide to Pentecost, including the Feasts of Sts. Engratia (16 April), Torquatus and Philip (1 May), and the Invention of theCross (3 May).

Anliphoners. — There is one MS. which describes itself iis "Antiphonarium de toto anni eirculo, a festivitate S. Aciscli [17 Nov.] usque ad finem", con- taining the choir parts, but not the priest's part of the Offices and Masses. Tliis is the book known, quite erroneously, as the "Antiphoner of King Wamba", preserved in the Cathedral Library at Leon. It is a vellum MS. of the eleventh century (Era 1107 = A.D. 1069), 200 ff., transcribed by one Arias, probably from a much older book, which perhaps did belong to King Wamba (672-80). Dom Ferotin describes it as very complete.

Sacramenlaries. — (a) Toledo Chapter Library, 35.3, late tenth century, 177 ff. Contains Masses for the year. In the initial of that for St. Peter's Chair (22 Feb.) are the words "Elenus Abbas Acsi indignus scripsit". It belonged to the parish of St. Olalla (Eulalia) at Toledo. Dom Ferotin describes it as a Sacramentary, and says that it is complete. An edition by him will soon be published, (b) There is another MS. at Toledo mentioned but with no identi- fiable number by Burricl, Eguren, and Simonet, which is said by them to contain "Missas omnes tarn de tempore quam de Sanctis per totum anni circulum " . There is a copy of it among the Burriel manuscripts at Madrid, and Eguren ascribes the original to the ninth century.

Psallers. — (a) Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, for- merly at Toledo (35.1), tenth century, 174 S. Con- tains the Psalter with antiphons, the Canticles, and the Hymnal. On f. 150 are the words "Abundantius presbyter librummauropresbyteroscriptor" (sic). The prologue of the Hymnal is an acrostic in verse which reads "Mavricvs obtante Veraniano edidyt". This MS. was used by Cardinal Lorenzana for the Psalter, Canticles, and Hymnal in his edition of the Mozarabic Breviary. There is a copy among the Burriel MSS. (b) British Museum, Add. 30851, eleventh century. Contains Psalter, Canticles, Hymnal, and "Horse Canonica;", the last (though imperfect) being much fuller than the printed Breviary and containing the now obsolete Night Offices, as well as the other Hours and a number of offices for special occasions. It has been edited by J. P. Gilson for the Henry Bradshaw Society, (c) Santiago de Compostela, University Li- brary, Gabinete de Reservados No. 1, dated Era 1093 (= A. D. 1055), " Petrus erat scriptor, Frictosus de- nique pictor." Contains Psalter, 100 Canticles, and the Night Offices, but not the Hymnal. The Psalter is preceded by a poem addressed by Florus of Lyons to Hyldradus (here called Vsidorus Abbas), Abbot of Novalese near Susa in Piedmont (825-7). There is a full description of this MS. in Ferotin's " Deux Manu- scrits wisigothiques de la Biblioth^que de Ferdinand I", (d) Royal Library, Madrid, 2. J. 5, dated Era 1097 (= A. D 1059). Contains ninety-nine Canticles nearly agreeing with the Compostela Psalter. There is a formula of confession, in which the names of Queen Sancia and the Infanta I^rraca appear, and which con- tain an extraordinary list of sins. The MS. belonged

in the fourteenth century to the Benedictine monas- tery of St. Maria de Aniago near Simancas, which in 1436 became for a time a Mozarabic chapter (.see Section I. History and Origin), then to the Colegio de Cuenca at Salamanca. It is fully described in Fdrotin's "Deux Manuscrits wisigothiques". (e) A Psalter and Canticles of the tenth century, 122 ff., sold at the Silos sale in 1878, present owner unknown.

Lifter Orationum. — (a) British Museum, Add. 30852, tenth century. Contains the Oraiioncs at Vespers and Matins and the Collects following the Gloria in Excelsis at Mass from Advent to St. .John Baptist (24 June), the Temporale and Sanctorale be- ing mixed, (b) Verona, Chapter Library, probably eleventh century. Similar contents to those of the above M.S. but continuing to St. Martin (11 Nov.). Printed in Bianchini's edition of the works of Cardi- nal Tommasi (Rome, 1741). Lectionary. — Silos, 1059, 90 ff . Contains lessons for the Night Offices.

Lihtr Cdiniciis, Liber Comitis, Comes, containing the Prophecies, Epistles, and Gospels used at Mass. (a) Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, Nouv. Acquis. Lat. 2171, eleventh century. Belonged to Silos from 1067, when it was given to the abbey by Sancho de Taba- tiello to 1878. Edited by Dom Morin (Maredsous, 1893). (b) Toledo, Chapter Library, 35.8, ninth or tenth century. Imperfect, containing only from "Dominica post infantum" to the Saturday of the fourth week of Lent, (c) Leon, Cathedral Library. A little earlier than 1071, when it was given to the cathedral by Bishop Pelagius. Begins with the first Sunday of Advent and ends with what it calls "the twenty-fourth Sunday". Accordingto DomF(5rotin it is rich in Votive Masses, but incomplete in much else, (d) Madrid, Royal Academy of Historv, No. 22 (old number F. 192), dated Era 1111 ( = a. d. 1073). Written by Petrus Abbas. Belonged to the Benedic- tine abbey of San Millan de la Cogolla.

Homiliarium. — (a) Toli^lo Cliapter Library, 131 ff., mentioned by Burricl and Simonet. A copy of 1753 is among the Burriel MSS. at Madrid, (b) Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale, Nouv. Acquis. Lat. 2176, eleventh century, 390 ff. Contains Homilies from Christmas onward. Formerly belonged to Silos, (c) Nouv. Acquis. Lat. 2177, eleventh century, 770 ff. Contains homilies from Epiphany to Christmas. Be- longed to Silos, (d) British M'useum, Add. 30853, eleventh century, 324 ff. Contains Homilies and a Ptt'nitentiale.

Liber Ordinum. — (a) Silos, dated Era 1090 ( = A. D. 1052), 344 ff. Copied by Bartoloma;us Presbyter for Domingo, Abbot of San Prudentio de Laturce in the Rioja. Dom Ferotin conjectures that it is the very copy sent in 1065 to Alexander II. San Prudentio was a cell of Albelda. Of the four books sent to Rome one was " Liber Ordinum majoris Albaldenais Cenobii ", and one of the deputation, Eximino of Oca, v;as s personal friend of St. Dominic of Silos. The MS. contains a very full collection of the Ritual and Pon- tifical Offices and a large number of votive and other Masses. Fully edited and described by Dom F(5rotin in his "Liber Ordinum". (b) Silos, dated Era 1077 ( = A. D. 1039). Written by Joannes Presbyter. Contains Calendar, Baptism, Visitation etc. of the Sick, Commendation of the Dead, Matrimony, a large collection of prayers and blessings, and Votive Masses. Edited by Dom FiJrotin. (c) Silos, elev- enth century, 142 ff. Contains also Hours, which are offices for every houi of the twelve, as well as Ordo Peculiaris (Aurora), ante Complela, ad Complcta, post Compkia, ante hctulum, and in Jiocturnis. Edited, except the Hours, by Dom Fdrotin. (d) Madrid, Royal Academy of History, No. 56 (old number F. 224), eleventh century, 155 ff. Belonged to San Millan de la Cogolla in the Rioja. Contains a Ritual and a number of Masses. Edited by Dom F<;rotin.

The descriptions of all the above MSS. (except