on the first syllable of luam (second sign), etc. Sim-
ilarly we have for the punetum, besides the dot form,
that" of a short horizontal line. This is also some-
times used for one of the pimcta of the elima(;us (first
syllable of tiiam, third and sixth neums, etc.) and
towards the end of the group neuma on nofci.s- (fifth
sign from the end) w-e see a trigon suhpuncte, the
la-st dot of the trigon and the added punctuni being
drawn out. The podatus appears in three forms;
first with rounded corner, as on the third syllable of
A III I II ill (first sign); second with some pen pressure on
the initial stroke and a fairly square angle, as on the
fourth .-iyllable of Alldiiia (third sign); and third, with
a more elaborate gravis, as in the final neuma of nobis
(.second last sign). The first may be considered as
the normal form, the second marks a firmer rendering
of the first note, and the third a decided leaning on it.
The torculus appears in its plain form (.second syllable
of Oslciitic, fourth syllable of miscricordiam) and with
penpressureoM both graves ( ^T" ) marking a prolonga-
tion of the whole figure (first syllable of luum, seventh
sign). The two forms of the prcssus, minor and ma-
jor, are found in the final neuma of Alleluia (fourth
last and last signs). Of liquescent signs we have a
scandieus liquescens on the first syllable of Alleluia, a
century (see "Pal. Mus.", IV, pi. 9; Wagner, "Ein-
leitung", II, 114). The litterm si(inijir<ilirir are of two
cl.asses, one referring to rhythm, the ullicr referring to
pitch. Of the former class we find in our illustration
frequently the c (celeriler) and the t (tenele). At the
beginning of the Offertory (last line of illustration)
we find also the m (niediocriler) modifying the effect
of the iireceding c. Of the second class we fiml the o
{equalitir) enjoining the same pitch belwoi'U lUmiine
and mixerieordiam between the second and third
syllables of misericordiam and between luam and et.
To give a clearer idea of the meaning of the neums in
this illustration we subjoin the notation of the same
piece according to the Vatican edition, pointing out
only the few differences in the two readings. On the
first syllable of "Alleluia" the Vatican edition omits
the liquescence; similarly on the third syllable of that
word and on the final syllable of "misericordiam ". It
may be mentioned in this connexion that a very fre-
quent use of liquescence is characteristic of the St. Gall
school. The strophici on Alleluia and luum are given
as ordinary puncta. Similarly the special sign for the
pressus has disappeared and is replaced by a doubling
of the first note. The first of these two notes of the
same pitch is then sometimes combined with the pre-
- ^. ^^y^^^^^X^.
fuirr 4tr.t a Tu t if vri*
ttaif honoTA • -a
•a;^^ ptnnct^d xuCto rutn
distropha liquescens on the third, an epiphonus on the last syllable of misericordiam.
A second peculiarity of the St. Gall notation is the occasional addition of a little stroke to the neums, marking a prolongation of the affected note. The " Paleographie Musicale" (IV, pi. 17) has given the name episema to this little addition. Mention has al-
.\XD Troper op 8t-Evroult (XII Century)
Nationale, Pariis, Fonds latin, No. 10508
ceding neum. Thus at the end of the A lleluia neuma
it joins the virga to form a clivis, .and at the end of the
neuma on nobis the podatus of the MS. is changed into
a torculus. These things are in accordance with the
general practice of the later Middle Ages. Towards
the end of the neuma on tunm (where in the MS. the
neums surmount the second s.vUable) the staff nota-
ready been made of the thickening of the head of the tion substitutes a pes subbipunctis for a virga and
virga, which often amounts to a distinct stroke. Our climacus— a mere graphic difference. Similarly on
illustration gives examples of a similar addition to the da a porrectus and virga are replaced by a clivis and
last note of tlie torculus ( C/i instead of tO ), the last podatus.
of the porrect us, t he first and the second of the clivis. Illustration III, taken from a MS. of the ninth
The episematic torculus is seen in the final neuma of or the beginning of the tenth century in the library
niMs (before the first trigon). The first sign in the of Laon, which is in course of publication in the
same neuma is an episematic torculus followed by "Pal. Mus." (p. 2S), shows the Metz notation. On the
another long i)un<'tum. On the first syllable of tmnn first two syllables of Gaudeamus we have the familiar
we have an episematic porrectus, followed by two punetum dot. On the third we recognize easily
puncta, while the plain porrectus appears on the first a podatus followed by a virga. But on the last we
syllable of domine (third sign). The cfivis with meet the most characteristic sign of this school, the
episema to the first note is found on the first syllable punetum consisting of a short slanting line with a little
of luam (first sign) and twice towards the end of the hook added. Of the clivis form peculiar to this school
neuma on luum. On the second syllable of nobis, ourillustration contains noexample;butontheBecond
after the torculus gubpunctis already mentioned, we syllable of /es/itm and the second and fourth oi cele-
have a clivis with the episema attached to the second brantes we have the porrectus, which in its first two
note, the clivis being preceded by two short puncta strokes contains the clivis. There are two forms of the
and followed by a long one. torculus, one with sharp angles, on the first syllable
Thirdly, we find as a peculiarity of this notation the of domino, the second of honore (where it is preceded
addition of certain letters. These are often called by a punetum), etc.; the other rounded, on the third
"Romanian" letters, because a St. Gall writer of the syllable of honore and the ionrih ol passione. Of
eleventh century attributes their use to a singer named liquescent neums we find the epiphonus on the second
Romanus who, according to him, brought the chant syllableof 'iifm and the third of ce/chrare/c.s, the cephal-
from Rome to St. Gall towards the end of the eighth icus on the first of o»mes, a pes subbipunctis liquescens