Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 11.djvu/15

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KENNEDY, THOMAS, B.A. (National Univer- sity OF Ireland), London: New Pomerania, Vicariate Apostolic of; Osaka, Diocese of.

KIRSCH, MoR. JOHANN P., S.T.D., Professor OF Patrology and Christian Archeology, University' of Fribourg: Nicephorus, Saint; Nicetas, Bishop of Remesiana; Nicetius, Saint, Bishop of Trier; Nicholas I, Saint, Pope; Nicome- des. Saint; Notitia Dignitatum; Notitia Pro- vinciarum et Civitatum Africae; Nuncio; Nuncia- ture Kc)ii)rts; Odilia, Saint; Oldoini, Augustino; Olyminas, Saint; Ordeals; Orosius, Paulus; Orsi, Giuseppr Agostino; Orsini; Palatini; Pallavicino, Pietro Sforza; Paschal I, Pope; Paul I, Pope; Pelagia; Peter, Saint; Peter of Sebaste, Saint; Peter Urseolus, Saint; Petronilla, Saint; Petron- ius, Saint; Petrus Bernardinus; Petrus de Natali- bus; Philip, Saint, Apostle.

KRUITWAGEN, BONAVENTURE, O.F.M., Pro- fessor OF Ecclesiastical History, Convent OF the Friars Minor, Woerden, Holland: Periodical Literature, Catholic, Holland.

LAPPIN, HENRY P. A., O.C.C, Carmelite Col- lege, Trendre, Ireland: Paoli, Angelo, Vener- able.

LATASTE, JOSEPH, LiTT.D., Superior of the Seminary, Aire-sur-Adour, Landes, France: Pascal, Blaise; Pellissier, Guillaume; Perraud, Adolphe; Peter of Poitiers.

LAUCHERT, FRIEDRICH, Ph.D., Aachen : Nihus, Barthold; Nikolaus von Dinkelsbiihl ; CEcolam- padius, Johann; Older, Aloys Karl; Pfefferkorn, Johannes; Pfister, Adolf; Philanthropinisin.

LECLERCQ, HENRI, O.S.B., London: Nica;a, Councils of.

LEJAY, PAUL, Fellow of the University of France, Professor, Institdt Catholique, Paris: Paulinus of Pella.

LEROY, ALEXANDER A., C.SS.P., Bishop of Alinda, Superior General of the Congre- g.\tion of the Holy Ghost, Paris: Nigeria, Upper and Lower.

LETANG, H. E., B.C.L., B.D., Pembroke, Prov- ince OF Ontario, Canada: Pembroke, Diocese of.

LETELLIER, A., S.S.S., Superior, Fathers of the Blessed Sacrament, New York: Perpetual Adoration, Religious of the ; Perpetual Adoration, Sisters of the; Perpetual Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament.

LINDSAY, LIONEL ST. GEORGE, B.Sc, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, "La Nouvelle France", Quebec: Peltrie, Madeleine de la; Periodical Literature, Catholic, Canada.

LINEHAN, PAUL H., B.A., Instructor, College OF the City op New York: Nunez, Pedro; Ozanam, Jacques; Pacioli (Paciuolo), Lucas.

LINS, JOSEPH, Freiburg, Germany: Nuremberg; Osnabriick, Diocese of; Paderborn, Diocese of; Palatinate, Rhenish; Passau, Diocese of.

LOEHR, AUGUST OCTAV RITTER VON, Ph.D., Assistant Director, Imperial Collection OF Coins and Medals, Vienna: Numis- matics.

LOFFLER, KLEMENS, Ph.D., Librarian, Uni- versity OF MtJNSTER: Notker, Balbulus; Not- ker, Labeo; Odilio, Saint; Odo, Saint, Abbot of Cluny; Ostrogoths; Otto, Saint; Overberg, Bernhard Heinrich; Pannartz, Arnold; Panta- leon. Saint; Paschasius, Saint; Paulinus, Saint, Bishop of Nola; Peasants, War of the; Periodi- cal Literature, Catholic, Germany; Pez, Bern- hard and Hieronymus; Pforta.

♦LOUGHLIN, Mgr. JAMES F., S.T.D., Philadel- phia: Paschal II, Pope; Paul III; Paul IV, Paul V, Popes; Philadelphia, Archdiocese of.

MAAS, A. J., S.J., Rector, Woodstock College, Maryland: Pentateuch.

MacERLEAN, ANDREW A., New York: Northern Territory, Prefecture Apostolic of the; Nyassa, Vicariate Apostolic of; Olinda, Diocese of; Pasto, Diocese of; Pelotas, Diocese of; Perth, Diocese of.

MacERLEAN, JOHN, S.J., Professor of Hebrew and Ecclesiastical History, Jesuit Scho- LASTicATE, MiLLTOWN Park, Dublin: O'Brua- dair, David.

McGAHAN, FLORENCE RUDGE, M.A., Youngs- town, Ohio: Paulists; Penitential Orders; Penitents, Confraternities of.

McGUIRE, EDWARD J., M.A., LL.B., New York: New York, State of.

McHUGH, JOHN AMBROSE, O.P., S.T.D., Lector OF Philosophy, Dominican House of Studies, Washington: Omnipotence.

McKENNA, CHARLES F., Ph.D. (Columbia), Vice-President, Catholic Home Bureau, New York: Orphans and Orphanages.

McNEILL, CHARLES, Dublin: O'Brien, Terence Albert; O'Cullenan, Gelasius; O'Devany, Cor- nelius; O'Donnell, Edmund; O'Hely, Patrick; O'Herlahy, Thomas ; O'Hurley, Dermod; O'Queely, Malachias.

MACPHERSON, EWAN, New York: Nicaragua, Republic and Diocese of.

MacSHERRY, HUGH, Titular Bishop of Justini- anopolis. Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Dis- trict OF the Cape of Good Hope: Orange Free State.

MacSWEENEY, PATRICK, M.A. (N.U.I.), Lec- turer in English, Maynooth College; Professor of Modern Literature, Holy Cross College, Clonliffe, Dublin: O'Dono- van, John.

MAGNIER, JOHN, C.SS.R., London : Pas.serat, John, Venerable; Perpetual Succour, Our Lady of.

MANN, HORACE K., Headmaster, St. Cuth- bert's Grammar School, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England: Pelagius I, Pope; Pelagius II.

MARIQUE, PIERRE JOSEPH, Instructor in French, College of the City of New York: Nothomb, Jean-Baptiste.

MARSH, ERNEST, S.C, New York : Patagonia.

MARTIN, CAROLINE L., Rel. of the Perpet^ UAL Ador., Washington: Perpetual Adoration, Religious of the.

  • Deceased.