Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 11.djvu/18

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SORTAIS, GASTON, S.J., Assistant Editor, "Eti'des", Paris: Orcjxgna (Andrea di Clone); Palma \'ecoluo; Parmigiano, 11.

SOirVAV, CHARLES L.. CM., S.T.D., Ph.D., Professor ok Sacred Scrii>ture, Hebrew, and LiTURiiY, Kexrick Seminary, St. Louis: OfTer- ings (Oblations); Olivet, Mount; Ophir; Para- sceve; Patnios; Pentapolis; Pentecost (of the Jews), Feast of; Phasga.

STANISFORTH, OSWALD, O.M.Cap., Lector of Doum.\tic Theology and Sacred Scriituhe, Capuchin Monastery, Olton, England: Pascal Baylon, Saint.

SUAU, PIERRE, S.,T., Castres, France: Olivaint, Pierre; Peter Claver, Saint; Peter Faber, Blessed.

TACCHI VENTURL LUIGL LL.D., Commenda- tore of the Order of the Crown of Italy, Oliva, Gian Paolo.

THURSTON, HERBERT, S.J., London: Numbers. Use of, in the Church; Ordincs Ronumi; Osten- soriuni; Paris, Matthew; Paschal Candle; Pas- sion of Jesus Christ, Devotion to the; Paten; Peterspence.

TIERNEY, JOHN J., M.A., S.T.D., Professor op S.^cred Scripture and Semitic Studies, Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland: New Year's Day.

TOKE, LESLIE ALEXANDER ST. LAWRENCE, B.A., Stratton-on-the-Fosse, Bath, England: Peter Damian, Saint.

TOLTRSCHER, FRANCIS E., O.S.A., Regent, St. Thomas's College, Villanova, Pennsylvania: Noris, Henry; Paulus Venetus.

TRABERT, WILHELM, Ph.D., Director of the I.mperial Roy.4l Central Institute of Mete- orology and Geodynamics, Vienna: Pcmter, Joseph Maria.

URIBE, ANTONIO JOSE, Bogota, Colombia: Nueva Pamplona, Diocese of.

URQUHART F. F., Fellow and Lecturer in Modern History, Balliol College, Oxford: Northmen; Ordericus Vitalis.

VAILHE, SIMEON, A. A., Member op the Russian Archaeological Institute of Constantinople, Professor of S.\cred Scripture and History', Greek Catholic Seminary of Kadi-Keui, Constantinople: Nica;a; Nicomedia; Nicopo- lis (Armenia); Nicopolis, Diocese of; Nicopo- lis (Epirus); Nicosia, Titular Archdiocese of; Nilopolis; Nisibis; Notitia; Episcopatuum; Ole- nus; Ombus; Oropus; Orthosia; Ostracina; 0.\y- rynchus; Palmyra; Paltus; Panopolis; Paphos; Paralus; Parium; Patras; Pella; Pelu.sium; Pen- tacomia; Pergamus; Petra; Phacusa; Pharbaetus; Pharsalus.

VAN DER ESSEN, LfiON, Litt.D., Ph.D., Pro- fessor OF History, University op Louvain: Pamelius.

VAN DER HEEREN, ACHILLE, S.T.L. (Lou- vain), Professor of Moral Theology and Librarian, Grande Sfi.vixAiRE, Bruges, Bel- gium: Oaths; Peter, Epistles of Saint.

VAN HOVE, A., D.C.L., Professor of Church History and Canon Law, U.niversity of LotrvAiN: Nicol6 de' Tudeschi; (Economus, Episcopal; Option, Right of; Paleotti, Gabriel; Papiensis, Bcmardus; Pena, Francisco; Person, Ecclesiastical.

VERMEERSCII, ARTHUR, S.J., LL.D., Doctor of Social and Political Sciences, Professor of Moral Theology and Canon Law, College OF St. John Berchmans, Louvain: Novice; Nuns; Obedience, Religious.

VOGEL, JOHN, Vicar Provincial of the Pious

Society op Missions, Brooklyn, New York: PoUotti, Vincent Mary, Venerable.

WA.^GEN, LUKAS, .Assistant State Geologlst, Vienna: Pala;ontology.

WAINEWRIGHT, JOHN BANNERMAN, B.A. (OxoN.), London: Nichols, George, Venerable; Nutter, Robert, Venerable; Osbaldeston, Ed- ward, Venerable; Page, Anthony, Venerable; Palasor, Thomas, Venerable; Patenson, William, Venerable.

WALKER, LESLIE J., S.J., M.A. (Lond.), St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales: Parallel- ism, Psycho-Physical.

WALSH, JAMES J., M.D., Ph.D., LL.D., Dean of the Medical School, Fordham University, New York: Nussbaum, Johann Nepomuk von; O'Dwyer, Joseph; Pasteur, Louis.

WALSH, REGINALD, O.P., S.T.D., Professor OP Theology, S. Clembnte, Rome: O'Daly, Daniel.

WARD, Mgr. BERNARD, Canon of Westmin- ister, F.R.HisT.Soc, President, St. Edmund's College, Ware, England: Oakeley, Frederick; Old Chapter, The; Oliver, George; O.xenham, Henry Nutcombe.

WARREN, KATE MARY, Lecturer in English UNDER University of London .\t Westfield College, Hampstead, London : Occleve, Thomas; Oxenford, John.

WEBER, N. A., S.M., S.T.D., Professor of Funda- mental Theology and Church History, Marist College, Washington: Nicholas II, Nicholas III, Nicholas IV, Popes; Orange, Councils of; Paul II, Pope; Perraaneder, Franz Michael; Peter Igneus, Blessed; Petrobrusians; Petrus, Diaconus; Petrus ALfonsus.

WEIMAR, ANTON, Vienna: Periodical Literature, Catholic, Austria.

WELCH, SIDNEY READ, S.T.D., Ph.D., J.P., Editor, " The Catholic Magazine for South Africa", Cape Town: Pfanner, Franz.

WILHELM, JOSEPH, S.T.D., Ph.D., Battle, Eng- land: Nicene and Niccno-Constantinopolitan Creed.

WILLIAMSON, GEORGE CHARLES, Litt.D., Ldndiin: Oggione, Marco D'; Orley, Barent van; Ortolano Ferrarese; Pa.ssignano, Domenico.

WITTMANN, PIUS, Counsellor for the Ar- chives and Archivist for Prince Ysenburg- BtJDiNGEN, Royal Bavarian Counsellor for the Archives, Budingen, Germany: Norway; Orkneys.

WOLFSGRUBER, COELESTINE, O.S.B., Vienna: Olmiitz, Archdiocese of; Parenzo-Pola, Diocese of.

ZELLE, JOSEPH, S.J., Paray-le-Monial, France: Paray-le-Monial.

ZEVELY, J., New York: Petropolis, Diocese of .