HENRY, HUGH T., Lirr.D., Hector of Roman
Catholic High School for Boys, Professor
OF English Literature and of Gregorian
Chant, St. Charles Seminary, Overbrook,
Pennsylvania: Precentor; Quern terra, pontus
sidera; Quicumquc Christum Qua-ritis; Rector
Potens, Verax Deus; Regina Coeli; Rerum
Creator Optime; Rerum Deus Tenax Vigor.
HILGENREINER, KARL, S.T.D., Ph.D., Im- perial Royal Professor, University of Prague: Piusverein; Prague, University of.
HILGERS, JOSEPH, S.J., Rome: Purgatorial
Societies. HOEBER, KARL, Ph.D., Editor, "Volkszei-
tung" and " Akademlsche Monatsblatter",
Cologne: Philip the Arabian; Placidia, Galla;
Probus, Marcus Aurelius. HOFLER, WALTER A., Sodtham, Warwickshire,
England: Poor Child Jesus, Sisters of the.
HOLW'ECK, FREDERIC G., St. Louis, Missouri: Prayer of Christ, Feast of the; Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Feast of the; Ransom Feast of Our Lady of.
HOULIHAN, JOHN W., Portland, Maine: Port- land, Diocese of.
HUDLESTON, GILBERT ROGER, O.S.B., Downside Abbey, Bath, England: Pickering, Thomas, Venerable; Placidus, Saint; Folding, John Bede; Pontcfract Priory; Powel, Philip, Venerable; Reform of a Religious Order.
HULL, ERNEST R., S.J., Editor, "The Ex- aminer", Bombay, India: Pondicherry, Arch- diocese of; Poona, Diocese of; Quilon, Diocese of; Rajpootana, Prefectm-e Apostolic of.
HUNT, LEIGH, Professor of Art, College of THE City of New York: Piranesi, Giam- battista; Raimondi, Marcantonio.
HUNTER-BLAIR, SIR D. O., Bart., O.S.B., M.A., Fort Augustus Abbey, Scotland: Preston, Thomas.
HUONDER, ANTHONY, S.J., St. Ignatius Col- lege, Valkenbdrg, Holland: Reductions of Paraguay.
JARRETT, BEDE, O.P., B.A. (Oxon.), S.T.L., St. Dominic's Priory, London: Pilgrimages.
JONES, W. A., O.S.A., S.T.D., Bishop of Porto Rico: Porto Rico.
JOYCE, GEORGE HAYWARD, S.J., M.A. (Oxon.), St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales: Pope, The.
KAMPERS, FRANZ, Ph.D., Professor of Medi- eval and Modern History, LTnivtirsity of Breslau: Rainald of Dassel.
KELLY, BLANCHE M., New York: Poor, Little Sisters of the; Poor Servants of the Mother of God; Port Louis, Diocese of; Port Victoria, Diocese of; Providence, Sisters of, of St. Anne.
KENNEDY, D. J., O.P., S.T.M., Professor op
Sacramental Theology, Catholic Univer-
sity OF America, Washington: PoUti, Lancelot;
Porrccta, Serafino.
KENNEDY, THOMAS, B.A. (R.U.I.), London: Pinz6n, Martin Alonso; Proschko, Franz Isidor.
KENT, W. H., O.S.C, Bayswater, London: Rawes, Henry Augustus.
KERRY, WILLIAM J., S.T.L., Ph.D., Doctor of Special and Political Sciences, Professor of Sociology, Catholic University of Amer- ica, Washington: Poor, Care of, by the Church, in the United States.
KING, JOHN HENRY, Ph.D., S.T.B., Ports- mouth, England: Portsmouth, Diocese of.
KING, THOMAS GEORGE, K.S.G., Hon. Secre- tary Catholic Guardians Association, Lon- don: Poor Laws.
KIRSCH, Mqr. JOHANN P., S.T.D., Professor OF Patrology and Christian Arch-bology, University of Fribourg: PhiUips, George; Philomena, Saint; Piedmont; Pius I, Saint, Pope; Pontian, Saint; Porter; Praxedes and Pudentiana; Prelate; Primicerius; Primus and Felician, Saints; Prisca, Saint; Processus and Martinian, Saints; Prothonotary Apostolic; Protus and Hyacinth, Saints; Province, Ec- clesiastical; Pulcheria, Saint; Quinctianus, Saints; Quiricus and Julitta, Saints; Quirinus, Saints; Ratherius of Verona; Referendarii ; Reformation, The; Regesta, Papal; Regino of Priim ; Regionarii .
KOTODZIEJCZYK, EDMUND, Cracow, Galicia, Austria: Poland.
KURTH, GODEFROID, Director, Belgian His- torical Institute, RoikrE: Philip II, King of Spain.
LATASTE, JOSEPH, Litt.D., Superior of the Seminary, Aire-sur-Adour, Landes, France: Pius V, Saint, Pope; Polignac, Melchior; Port-Royal.
LAUCHERT, FRIEDRICH, Ph.D., Aachen: Phy- siologus; Pietism; Pighius, Albert; Pistorius, Johann; Raich, Johann Michael; Riiss, Andreas; Ratzinger, Georg.
LAVELLE, Mgr. MICHAEL J., Vicar-General OP the Archdiocese of New York: Preston, Thomas Scott.
- LE BARS, JEAN, B.A., Litt.D., Member of the
Asiatic Society, Paris: Racine, Jean.
LEJAY, PAUL, Fellow of the University of France, Professor, Institut Catholiqub, Paris: Poggio Bracciolini, Giovannf Francisco; Politian; Priscianus; Proba, Faltonia; Pru- dentius, Aurelius Clemens.
- Deceased