MURRAY, Mgr. JOHN B., Vicar-Gener.\l of the
Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio: Purcell
John Baptist.
NEVILS, WILLL\M COLE^L\N, S.J., Woodstock College, JM.vrylakd: Piconio, Bernardine a.
NORTON, JOHN HENRY, S.T.D., Bishop of Port Augusta, Australia: Port Augusta, Diocese of.
OBRECHT, EDMOND M., O.C.R., Abbot of Gethsem.ani, Kentucky: Pierre de Castelnau, Blessed; Pontigny, Abbey of; Ranc6, Jean- Armand le Bouthillier de.
O'BYRNE, MICHAEL, O.P., Vic.a.r-Gexer.\l of THE Archdiocese of Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Int)ies: Port of Spain, Archdio- cese of.
O'DONNELL, MICHAEL JOSEPH, Professor of Moral Theology, Maynooth College, Dub- lin: Possession, Demoniacal.
0'D0NNT:LL, PATRICK, S.T.D., Bishop of R.\- phoe, Ireland: Raphoe, Diocese of.
O'HARA, EDWIN V., Portl.and, Oregon: Poor Clares.
O'HARA, FRANK, M.A., Ph.D., Instructor in Po- litical Economy', Catholic I'Ni\rERSiTY of America, Washington: Physiocrats; Political Economy, Science of.
O'KANE, MICHAEL M., O.P., Ph.D., S.T.D., Pro-
VINCI.AL OF THE IrISH PROVINCE OF THE DO- MINICAN Order, Dublin: Eaymond of Pena- fort, Saint.
OLIGER, LIVARIUS, O.F.M., Lector of Church History', Collegio S. Antonio, Rome: Poor Brothers of Saint Francis Seraphicus; Quinones, Francisco.
OTT, MICHAEL, O.S.B., Ph.D., Professor of the History of Philosophy-, St. John's College, CoLLEGEViLLE, MINNESOTA: Pierius; Pilgrim; Pinna da Encarna^ao, Mattheus; Pitra, Jean- Baptiste-Frangois; Pius VI and IX, Popes; Prior; Prioress; Prior)'; Prudentius, Galindo; Rabanus, Maurus Magnentius; Ratisbonne, Maria Alphonse; Ratramnus; Reding, Augus- tine; Regale, Droit de; Reims, Synods of.
OTTEN, JOSEPH, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania: Philips, Peter; Piel, Peter.
OUSSANI, GABRIEL, Ph.D., Profe.ssor, Ecclesi- astical History, Early Christian Liter.\- TURE, and Biblical Arcileology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York: Phoenicia.
PACE, EDWARD A., Ph.D., S.T.D., Professor of Philosophy, Catholic University of America, Washington: Quietism.
PAPI, HECTOR, S.J., Ph.D., B.C.L,, S.T.D., Pro- fessor of Cano.n Law, Woodstock College, Maryland: Prefect Apostolic; Procurator.
PARKINSON, HENRY, S.T.D., Ph.D., Rector,
OscoTT College, Birmingham, England:
Priests, Confraternities of; Priests' Eucharistic
League; Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore.
PETERSON, JOHN B., Professor op Eccelsias- Tic.vL History .^nd Liturgy, St. John's Sem- iN.\RY, Brighton, Massachusetts: Pistoia, Synod of.
- PETRIDES, SOPHRONE, A.A., Professor,
Greek Catholic Seminary of Kadi-Keui, Const-antinople : PhilomeUum; Phocsa; Pi- nara; Pitjnis; Pogla; Polemonium; Polybotus; Polystylum; Pomaria; Priene; Proconnesus; Ptolemais; Ptolemais (Saint-Jean d'Acre); Re- mesiana.
PHILLIMORE, JOHN SWINNERTON, M.A. (OxoN.), Professor of Hum.^nities, Univer- sity' OF Glasgow: Procopius of Caesarea.
PHILLIPS, EDWARD C, S.J., Ph.D., Woodstock College, Maryl.\nd: Pianciani, Giambattista; Provancher, Lfen Abel; RajTiaud, Theophile.
PIACENZA, PIETRO, S.T.D., J.U.D., Prothono- TARY Apostolic of the Sacred Congregation OF Rites, Professor of Liturgy, Semin.ary of St. Apollinaris, Rome: Requiem, Masses of.
PIERRON, JOHN BAPTIST, S.T.D., Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Poor Catholics.
PLASSMAN, THOMAS, O.F.M., Ph.D., S.T.D., St. Bonaventure's Seminary', St. Bonaventure, New York: Piano Carpine, Giovanni da.
PLATER, CHARLES D., S.J., B.A. (Oxon.), St. Beuxo's College, St. Asaph, Wales: Porter, George.
POHLE, JOSEPH, S.T.D., Ph.D., J.C.L., Pro- fessor OF Dogmatic Theology, University op Breslau: Predestinarianism; Predestination; Priesthood; Regeneration.
POLLARD, WILLIAM HENRY, B.A. (Univ. op Lond.), Vice-Rector, Ratcliffe College, Leicester, England: Providence, Sisters of, of the Institute of Charity.
POLLEN, JOHN HUNGERFORD, S.J., London: Redford, Sebastian.
PRESTAGE, EDGAR, B.A. (Balliol College, Ox- ford), Commendador Portuguese Order of S. Thiago; Corresponding Member of the Lis- bon RoY'.AL Academy of Sciences and the Lis- bon Geogr.aphical Society, Chiltern, Bow- don, Cheshire, England: Pombal, Sebastiao Jose de Carvalho e Mello, Marquis de; Portugal and Portuguese Literature; Portuguese East Africa; Portuguese West Africa.
PUSTET, FRIEDRICH, Ratisbon, Germ.^ny:
Pustet. RAHILLY, ALFRED J., S.J., M.A., Stonyhurst
College, Blackburn, Engl.^nd: Reason.
- Deceased