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Page:Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 12.djvu/180

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Francisco, by a relative of Atahuallpa, who was never legitimized, and died shortly after reaching Spain.

Prescott, History o/ the Conquest o/ Peru (London. 1889), Spanish tr. by Icazbalceta (Mexico, 1850): Diccionario end- clopedxco hispano-americano, XV (Barcelona. 1894) ; Icazbalceta, Biografla de Atahualpa, Atahuallpa, Atabaliva, 6 Alahahpa (Mex- ico, 1899); S.\NCHO, Re- lacidn de la Conquista del Peni, Italian ed. by Ramusio, Spanish tr. by Icazbalceta (Mexico, 1899).

Camillus Crivelli. Placet. See Ex-


Placidia, Gall a, Queen of Rome, b. in 39.3; d. 27 Nov., 450; the daughter of Theodosius the Great by his second wife Galla, whom he mar- ried in 3SS and for whom he afterwards took the field against the usurper Maximus and conquered Italy, which he restored to his wife's brother Valentinian. The death of the latter put an end to the last imperial dynasty V Centurj-. (See Arti

of the Western Roman Empire and Theodosius be- came the sole ruler of the Roman Empire. He was succeeded (395) by Arcadius and Honorius, two sons by his first marriage. Stilicho conducted the govern- ment in Western Rome for Honorius. In his house

Galla Placidia grew

up to maturity at the side of his wife Serena. When, after the execution of Stilicho, Alaric, with his army of Goths, bore down on Italy and Rome, the wrath of the people against Serena became in- tense. The opinion prevailed that her vengeance had bid- den this invasion. She was condemned to death by the Sen- ate, which compelled the consent of Pla- cidia to its sentence against her. With this act of desper- ation, Placidia makes her appearance on the world's stage. After the second storming of Rome by the Goths, she was taken a hostage by Alaric on his return to Calabria. After the lat- ter's death Ataulf became king, and, urged by Pla- cidia, began peace negotiations with Honorius at Ravenna. These being fruitless, he traversed the Italian peninsula with his Goths, crossed the Alps and cstabhshed himself in Southern Gaul where he and Placidia were married at Narbo (417). In spite of the opposition of her enemies, Ataulf yielded to her influence in negotiating peace with Honorius. In Barcelona, Placidia g.ave birth to a son, Theodosius, who died soon afterwards. Death also overtook her husband, who died a victim of revenge. Singerich,

his brother, on ascending the throne, drove Placidia from the palace. She was again delivered to the Em- peror Honorius by King Waller, and in 416 went to the Court of Ravenna. Next Constantius, the Em- peror's chief general and later Palridus of Gaul, desired to marry her. Necessity forced her consent (417) to the marriage, the fruits of which were a daughter, Justa Grata Honoria, and later a son, Placidus \alentinianus.

In 421 Constantius was made emperor and Placidia received the title of .\ugusta. Constantius died this same year. Fear- ful of new disturb- .ances in Ravenna, Honorius sent her to Constantinople. A\'hen the latter died I2:il, Johannes took possession of Italy iiy force. Placidia, with her son \'alen- t i n i a n u s , and es- corted by an East-


, Painting, Religious.)

em Roman army, left for Aquila, and thence to Ravenna. Johannes was conquered and captured. Valentinian III was called to the throne in Rome. Placidia conducted the government as regent with skill anil foresight, her ativisers being the faithful

Boniface, Prefect of

the Province of Africa, and the Patri- cius Aetius. In her children she had lit- tle pleasure. Placidia deserves great praise for her services to the Church. She used her influence to fur- ther the plans of Leo I when he pleaded with Theodosius II to put an end to the heresy of Eutj'ches. She built many churches in Ra- venna, Rimini, and Rome, restored others, or adorned them with mosaics. .\mong these are the church of St. John the Evangelist and that of Sts. Nazaro and Celso in Ra- venna. Her zeal in the building and beautifying of churches gave a new stimulus to Christian art in the fifth century.

Naol, G. Placidia in Studien zur Gcsch. d. AUertums. II, 3 (Paderborn, 1908).

Karl Hoeber.

Placidus, Saint, disciple of St. Benedict, the son of the patrician Tertullus, was brought as a child to St. Benedict at Sublaqueum (Subiaco) and dedicated to God as provided for in chapter Ixix of St . Benedict's Rule. Here too occurred the incident related bj' St. Gregory (Dialogues, II, \'ii) of his rescue from drown- ing when his fellow monk, Maurus, at St. Benedict's