population of Gera was recognized from 1 June.
They then received the rights and privileges of
citizens under the ci\dl law. The rector of Gera is
not debarred from exercising his sacerdotal functions
in places belonging to his parish, nor are priests from
the neighbouring countries (Sa.xony and Saxe Wei-
mar). The successful progress of Catholicism is re-
tarded in both principaUties by lack of means, since
neither the State nor the people contribute any-
thing to the CathoUc Church and a church tax is not
permitted. The Evangelical-Lutheran Church is
supported by state and communal contributions,
Catholics being assessed equally with Protestants
for this purpose. The Governnient does not inter-
fere with its subjects in regard to the change of their
religion, establishment of orders, mixed marriages,
and the education of the children of such marriages
in either principality. For the most part the prin-
ciples obtaining in the Kingdom of Saxony prevail
in Reuss. Nominally, enjoyment of the privileges
of citizenship is independent of creed, but in Reuss-
Greiz religious exercises can take place only by ex-
press permission. In both principaUties no "previous
permission is required for processions on religiou
festivals, pro\'ided they are carried out in th
customary manner. Catholic processions are no
allowed. The public free schools are Evangehcal
Lutheran and maintained by political or school dis
tricts. Cathohcs are obUged to contribute proper
tionally as much as Protestants, although rehgiou
instruction in their Faith is never given. A private
Catholic free school (about 200 children) has existed ii
Gera since 1903, to which neither State nor cit^
contributes. In Greiz the Catholics have succeedec
in obtaining a school of their own since 1908, witl
about 130 children who are of compulsory schoo
age. The grant of an appropriation for a high schoo
is still pending (1911).
Schmidt. Vogtldndische Forschungen (Dresden, 1904)- Lisi MER. EntwuTf einer Gesch. des Vogllandes (4 vols.. Gera. 1825-8) Iedm. Kurze Uebersicht der Gesch. des Houses Reuss (Ronne burg, 1829); Bruck.ver, Lcmdeskunde des FursleiUums Reuss j. L (2 vols., Gera. 1870); Bckkhardt, Einfuhrung der Reformation ii Reuss (1894). Protestant; Fbeisex. Slaal u. kathol. Kirche in der deutschen Bundesstaaten, II (Stuttgart, 1906).
Herman Sacher. Revalidation. See Validation.
J. J. Llltlc i Ivts Co.
New York— Printers.
J. F. Tapley Co. New York— Blodets.